Blog Intructions:

Whenever you respond to a writing prompt, please be sure to include your name and class period to make CERTAIN you will recieve credit for the given assignment.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Dominant Impression

The first step in using effective description is to focus on a dominant impression. A dominant impression creates a mood or atmosphere in your paper. This mood can be conveyed through effective descriptive writing.

Think of a summer moment or image from own life that had a similar dominant impression to Dybek’s piece. Begin this piece with “In summer…


  1. Will B 1
    In summer my entire family spends some weekends all at my grandparents beach house on LBI, an island off the Jersey Shore. With upwards of fifteen people dinner is a big deal. The three moms cook, unless the cooking involves the grill where the husbands and my grandpa feel obliged to step in. After dinner we, the kids, are assigned the dishes. Smartly my younger cousin and I team up and take all responsibility one night and leave the other four to their own devices the off nights.

    After the dishes are done, depending on sporting events, people disperse like this. Kids watch TV or go out for ice cream and the adults sit around the dining room table and chat, drink wine and play cribbage. Another of my cousins who is similar in age to me, along with myself, tend to wander between the two groups.

    Throughout the day individuals and groups are involved in a myriad of activities, but when dinner comes around we all come together.

  2. Joanna G period 6
    In the summer since I was four years old I go away to Brazil. Having to sit in a airplane for about 9 hours is hard but when I arrive in Brazil, my older cousin is always waiting for me. Since I got older, we do a road trip down to Paraguay to visit my grandparents with a group of his friends.
    Every night is like a surprise because we wouldn't know where we would end up. Not knowing in what city I was usually in was an adventure. His friends were all nice and since then we are still all best friends. Last year, was the best road trip so far because we ended up losing one of his friends. We were on the road for about half an hour and someone noticed there was more room. We looked around and saw he was missing and had to go back to the hotel to look for him.

  3. Michelle Loguidice, period 1

    In summer of 2009, it can be considered one of the best summers for me. This was the summer where I traveled to Hawaii with my family. I remember every detail about Maui, Hawaii. It was beautiful. The ocean was clean, calm and a clear blue color. The sand was hot, nurturing, and relaxing. I would do anything to dig my toes in the sand again. Before nighttime, I remember going onto the beach and looking at the sunset. It was composed of all different colors; pink, red, purple, and orange. It was so radiant, probably the most impressive sites I have seen.
    My favorite part of Hawaii however would have to be swimming in the humongous pool. There were about ten slides and my sister and I would slide down them all. I remember when we would try to go down every single one as many times as we could until the day was over. Hawaii was a great vacation and we made many friends. We went surfing for our first time in the rough waves and got tossed around, but it was a great experience! I wish I could go back…

  4. Toni Ann Abbatantono period 1

    In summer of last year, I spent most my days hanging with friends. But one day I remember so clear one of, my highlights of summer has to be one of my favorite memories so far in my life. As simple as it may sound, I still appreciate it with my all and appreciate my dad for allowing me to participate. One of my favorites bands of all time, the band that got me through, hard times, sad times and even just boring times was playing at the closest they’ll ever get considering they’re an international band that barley travels to United States. I wanted to go, the only problem was that I found out about the concert too late it was the night before and no matter how much my friend and I begged our parents no one would budge. I remember when my dad came in my room, it was about 12:13am and my dad says “You should go to bed you have an early morning ahead of ya” I rolled my eyes and chuckled “whys that” I asked “humor me.” My dad looked at me with a big smile from ear to ear and said “We’re going to that By Land or Sea concert ya wanted to see!” I’ve never been more happy in my life watching the clouds roll away so early in the morning and the scenery change as we drove a whole 6 hours to our destination.

  5. Sarah Vallarelli, period 6
    In summer I could always hear the water splashing, the kids laughing and the food on the grill sizzling. It was always a hot and humid day outside but the pool was cooled everyone off. The kids would all play till they heard they parents holler, “time to eat.” Kids would rush to the table; plates already made and without using a fork dig in right away.

    Five minutes later the kids would be excused while ignoring the myth saying you have to wait an hour before going back into the pool. Cannonballs and pencil dives straight into the pool. All day into the night till someone got cold.
    But those days are over; it was fun while it lasted. Summers go by and years go on, but memories will last a life time. And maybe some day I will be hollering at my kids to get out of the pool.

  6. Melanie Singer, period 1

    In the summer of 2010 I had an unreal experience at camp including it was my last summer. Although this memory isn't the happiest it is a good one. It was the last few minutes that I would be with all 28 of my best friends. Including most of these familiar faces live far away such as Florida, Ohio as well as Maryland, this moment was extremely saddening. As the clock was ticking at our time left as being campers at our home away from home, all 29 of us gathered by an old wishing well near the camp office and dinning hall where we would be saying our good byes shortly. We all sat down hand and hand in a large circle in front of the well. As time ticked away we all discussed some fond memories of the summer as tears streamed down our faces.
    I would give anything to go back to this moment where my whole division and I were balling our eyes out just thinking about being home away from the greatest place in the entire world. It was just the fact that I was with my 28 best friends.

  7. In summer, I visit my grandparents in Japan. As we live on opposite sides of the globe, the time we spend together always seems precious. Unique as they are, my grandparents are one of the most influential and supportive people in my life. My grandfather holds a mysterious air, wearing sunglasses on top of his bifocals, a trench coat in the middle of the summer and clothing that seems to have cigarette smoke clinging on to it. He retired years ago and began coaching a little league baseball team. He never misses a single baseball game on TV and dreams of becoming a detective some time during his life. While in Japan, my grandfather and I often take walks before sunset and talk for a while. As we strolled in a park, my grandfather had once told me that a lawyer never stops fighting for justice. I thought he was being hypocritical as he himself was a retired lawyer. It didn’t take long for me to realize that I had made a false judgment. Several weeks later, I read a newspaper article about my grandfather, recognizing his role in his town. I began reading the article expecting it to be about his little league baseball team but to my surprise it was about his career as a lawyer. Until then I was not aware that my grandfather had been fighting court cases for those who could not afford proper lawyers. He charged his clients absolutely nothing but fought for their justice. After reading the newspaper article, I decided to give back to my community as well. Spending my summers in Japan, I always witness the appreciation people feel towards my grandfather and I truly respect what he does. Every summer I spend in Japan, reinforces my desire to be like my grandfather, helping those who need my help.

  8. Serena Takada pd.1

    In summer, I visit my grandparents in Japan. As we live on opposite sides of the globe, the time we spend together always seems precious. Unique as they are, my grandparents are one of the most influential and supportive people in my life. My grandfather holds a mysterious air, wearing sunglasses on top of his bifocals, a trench coat in the middle of the summer and clothing that seems to have cigarette smoke clinging on to it. He retired years ago and began coaching a little league baseball team. He never misses a single baseball game on TV and dreams of becoming a detective some time during his life. While in Japan, my grandfather and I often take walks before sunset and talk for a while. As we strolled in a park, my grandfather had once told me that a lawyer never stops fighting for justice. I thought he was being hypocritical as he himself was a retired lawyer. It didn’t take long for me to realize that I had made a false judgment. Several weeks later, I read a newspaper article about my grandfather, recognizing his role in his town. I began reading the article expecting it to be about his little league baseball team but to my surprise it was about his career as a lawyer. Until then I was not aware that my grandfather had been fighting court cases for those who could not afford proper lawyers. He charged his clients absolutely nothing but fought for their justice. After reading the newspaper article, I decided to give back to my community as well. Spending my summers in Japan, I always witness the appreciation people feel towards my grandfather and I truly respect what he does. Every summer I spend in Japan, reinforces my desire to be like my grandfather, helping those who need my help.

  9. Devin U. Pd. 1

    In Summer, my family and some close family friends all drive down to Sunset, South Carolina, just an hour away from Charlotte, SC. Everyday is filled with boating, swimming, and jumping off huge rocks in emerald green water that I'm pretty convinced is 90 degrees F.

    All of this summer fun takes place on Lake Keowee, that has many things to do just on it. 50 ft rope swings, 25 ft rocks to jump off of and water sports like water skiing, kayaking, tubing, and other thing too.

    When it's time for dinner there are some nice restaurants on the lake to eat at, which are easy to get to by boat or by car. Either way it's nice to enjoy the luscious green hills and trees while boating or driving to where ever.

    Then the summer's over and i spend 16 hours in a car back to New York, but while in a nice warm place it was amazing.

  10. Jake Lerner.. Period 6

    In summer the weather is warm and the sun always shining over Bridgeton, Maine. It was the end of the summer for me and all of my friends, this was our last summer as official campers. We trekked all the way down the water front path to see the lake with the light of the moon bouncing off the tiny waves crawling through the water. We took out a few canoes and kayaks and paddled out to the dock sitting in the middle of the lake. The bag of sparklers rustled with every shake that the boat made, worrying us that we would be caught by the night watchman. Being a group of 32, we were not too scared of one old crabby watchman so we up-ed the volume a little to show our fearlessness. After about thirty minuets of swimming in the lake and having fun we took out the sparklers and lit them. The light that 32 sparklers could give off at once was so immense that we all just stood there in awe of it all. As quickly as they came alight, they burned out and just like those sparklers my summer burned out and I was headed home with the memories of the best summer of my life.

  11. kayla giordano period 1

    In the summer of 2008 i can say that that was the best summer of my life. i will never forget the memories that came along with it. Me and my friends went to a travel camp and everyday of thw weekday we would go somewhere different.
    I remember waking up and looking at my schedule to see where we were going that day. it could have been a baseball game, a water park, a broadway show. it could have been anything and that was the exciting part. we all would meet and hangout before the bus would come and pick us up.
    That summer was so fun and we all got over a fears at some point. we took so many pictures and had so many laughs we will never forget about it. We had something to do every single day of the summer it was the best summer I had.

  12. Sarah Berman - Period 6

    In summer, the best memories are made. In the begging of the summer, I departed to Kent, Connecticut to visit my home away from home; Kenwood Camp. As this was my last summer, it held the most memories, and I can honestly say it was the best summer of my life. On the last night of camp, we ventured down to the lake for the last burning of the numbers that we would ever watch all together. Due to the fact that my 12 best friends live as far away as California, we knew that this could possibly be the last time that we ever stand on the sand of North Spectacle Lake together as one. I would give anything to go back to this moment, where all 12 of us walked hand in hand down the 1/2 mile path to reach the place we love.
    Not only did I have the opportunity to go back to my favorite place in the entire world, but i also had the opportunity to compete in the Maccabi Games, which were hosted in Denver, Colorado. This summer, my team went into the games expecting to loose every single game we played. Well, we proved ourselves wrong, and flew out of Denver with gold medals hanging around our necks.

  13. in summer, i lose myself in endless activities in camp, while at the same time doing nothing. i spend two months with my best friends in the entire world talking about everything and killing bugs. the most valuable purchase of my entire summer was a pink fly swatter that i bought at the dollar store. many insects and spiders met their unfortunate end in july or august when one of my friends or i squashed them like a pancake with on swift swat. somehow, about 10 of us manage to live together for 8 straight weeks without killing each other for using up all the hot water, accidentally dropping their toothbrush through the slats in the bathroom floor, or stealing their summer boyfriend. looking back, i wouldn't change a single thing about those two months. the most depressing feeling in the world is when you find yourself at home, staring at the mirror alone, without someone screaming "bug!!!" just in time for you to turn around and kill that little creeper.

    kate faxon period 1

  14. Marisa Santella Period1
    In summer, I have a tremendous amount of fun. But, there was one special time, about 6 weeks to be exact, that were the best moments of my life! It was working as a camp counselor. This was my second year and I was still getting to know everyone. I can just remember how excited I was to go back! I remembered all the fun times at the pool, playing games with the kids, going to different subjects every hour like art, music, sports free time, and mostly being with some friends that I really love to hang out with. Although I liked them a lot, they weren't too fond of getting up at 7 am to work! But I didn't care; I loved it there at Camp Seaside and cherished it everyday! There were a couple of exact moments which I will never forget. Although they make me smile, I don’t think anyone could understand because they just weren’t there! But, there is one event at camp that I love that I can share and I know some people can relate to. It’s the end of the year, and we as a camp host a base-ball game between the counselors that I wok with and the counselors from Camp Brookside, the downtown camp.
    Now I am actually terrible at sports and I get really nervous playing competivitley especially in front of co-workers and a crowd! Yes I was very nervous and didn’t really know what I was doing, but I had my friends to get my mind off it. Plus, I was on the team with everyone that I wanted to be with! Waiting nervously to go up to bat, my heart was pounding, and I couldn’t seem to catch a breath. I was waiting in agony when all of a sudden I heard my name called for bat. Since I was so nervous and screwed up the year before, someone came out with me to tell me where to stand, how to put my hands on the bat and put me in a proper stance. When the pitcher was getting ready to pitch, out of no where, the ball was coming and I didn’t realize! Surprisingly, I hit the ball anyway! I mean this was a one in a million shot! After being shocked and shocking everyone else, I ran as hard as I could but didn’t make it! But I have an excuse, it was base-ball not soft-ball, the plates were far away! Everyone enjoyed me trying, and also had a good laugh. Since we were the loosing team, we had to jump in the pool the next day. I wore my waterproof mascara, and when it was time to jump, I was hesitant because I never fully dunked my whole head in before. I never wanted to smudge my make up. But when I jumped in, let me tell you, I never felt so happy. The loosing team was in there together and I felt great.
    Over all, I love Camp Seaside, and there is nothing that can make me part from it. So many good times, I’m counting down the days for another fun filled time to come and hit me square in the face! 

    Dominant impression- mostly happy, remembering the past and a little bit of nerves!

  15. sorry! i didnt realize how long that was!

  16. Hayley Kronthal period 6
    In the summer of 2010 new experiences took place, new sights were saw, and new friendships started. From all around the world 18 students got together in the LAX airport to adventure into the foreign and unknown adventures of Australia and Fiji! Everyone quickly became friends and built relationships that are still strong today. Our strength and character were tested on this trip when we faced new challenges such as hiking the misty mountains of Fiji or exploring the undersea world of the great barrier reef. No one will ever forget the time when our group was in the second day of the hike in the Fijian Mountains. We all decided to take a quick brake to cool off and eat a power bar our leader did a quick head count but soon realized we only had 17 people instead of the 18 that we left with from LAX. With no phone service or any way of communication and in a foreign country we realized that were missing Zack, a boy in my group. Luckily we had a Fijian "tour guide" with us during this hike, he talked to people that we saw along our trail to see if they saw a boy like "us". They let us borrow their horse they had with them. While the tour guide and our leader went looking for Zack the rest of us we on are own and were to stay put in till someone came back for us. That hour seemed to be the longest hour of the trip, suspense full and scared all 17 of us talked about the worse possibilities that could have happened to Zack. Finally after that painful 60 minutes they came back with Zack and everything okay! Zack told us about all the things going on in his mind when he was lost, he seemed to be vary resourceful! That was the time in the summer of 2010 that will stick with all 18 of us for the rest of our lives.

  17. In summer, the sun settles in with the stars through a cosmic ridge that portrays the seasons glow. It is here that the evening clouds and the night sky slowly disperse into a saga of magnificence. The breeze has This is summer.

    I stood amongst the waves, overlooking the moonlight reflect off of the wake. The days had grown longer as the tides has grown more fierce. The ripping of the ocean had left marks upon the sand. I gazed into the waves as they gazed back at me and collided with the sand that dissolved into sea.

    The serenity of the ocean, and the peace of the night harmonized a symphony that lasted until dawn. This beauty has never met the eyes of most and unfortunately never will. I witnessed a miracle, watching the sunset on a beach in Normandy, not familiar by name.

  18. Mariana Galeano, period 6

    In summer, I was anxious to leave home to take a break from my friends. The only thoughts occurring to my mind at the time were about eating traditional colombian food that had an unimaginable taste to it and meeting new people.
    When i arrived to Colombia, everyone was unexpectedly kind. They cared for me and my family as if we were part of their family. They were respectful and welcomed us with a big smile. I could smell the typical colombian food,which were arepas, freshly made. Once i took a bite out of it, i could feel the arepa sinking through my teeth and the combination with cheese created a whole new level for it. What completed the meal was the colombian drink called, "chocolate." You would think it would taste like simple chocolate but the taste is indescribable and one would have to try it for themselves to understand what I mean. Everything was better than i expected it to be.

  19. This comment has been removed by the author.

  20. Jake Bogart period 6
    In summer, we would sit on the docks, the early morning mist and fog blinding our eyes and making the air humid all around us. These summers with our best friends were ones we would never forget.

    The stragglers came walked slowly onto the docks, rubbing their eyes and moaning about how tired they are. But we weren't tired, because we were never sleeping. We had spent the whole night drinking soda and stuff and doing other fun things and having a sick time with our best friends in the world, seizing our last days together.

    We all sat silently, as the red and pink glow creeped over the horizon, the colors blending into the mist creating a beautiful 5 am sunrise. And as that sun came up, that was the end of the summer, and that was the end of our days together. Another boring school year, we all hope it goes quick. For some, it would be the last 5 am sunrise on the docks, but for some, they would sit there in silence every year on the last day of summer for many years to come.

  21. Grace T Period 6

    In the summer I take the familiar drive to upstate New York, in the middle of no where, surrounded by pretty much nothing. Something beautiful seems to appear out of nothing and I am at the place which now seems like home to me, even though I have only been here for at the most two minutes. I take in the sight of the white fences and the horses grazing, softly nuzzling the ground in search of the greenest grass. I let myself breath in the familiar scents, and take a breath to ease my anxiety. I see my old friends, and my old counselors. Its all so exciting, but I am subconsciously pre occupied..

    Barn orientation begins, and I let myself tune out because this is my sixth time hearing the same rules and the same regulations, as this is my sixth consecutive year attending the International Riding Camp. I let my eyes wander over the newly printed name tags hanging under the rows of horses. Some familiar and some new, but I still look for that one name; Bella.

    As my eyes meet her I forget the anxiety hanging in the air around me and let my belly fill with a sense of jubilation, I forget about the dullness of the barn orientation, and I forget about reuniting with my friends and counselors. Her soft eyes look at me, in a friendly way and I know she is greeting me. I have found my summer partner. Tomorrow morning I know I will feel her soft and warm, but powerful and strong body as we move gracefully over the freshly painted fences of the first summer camp session.

  22. This comment has been removed by the author.

  23. Anshul Doshi period 6

    In Summer traveling has become a tradition in our family. Whether its India, China, Italy or France, my family and I have been traveling almost every summer vacation. The thrills of traveling are endless. You can discover new languages, people and traditions allowing you to compare it to your own. You can see how lifestyles are so different from what we are used to. What we take for granted is so scarce in some countries that you almost feel bad for they don't know what they are missing out on. Traveling means new experiences and thats what summer is all about. the boring way of being confined to one space, one lifestyle, one culture can be so dull. The exhilaration of being in a place you don't know learning their lifestyle and mixing every culture is something that is not only self-beneficial but can also help the world. Understanding where the other is coming from can reduce external conflict. Traveling is what connects me to the outside world, its the thread that show others in the world my culture and how I live. This blending of culture and human interaction I get from traveling is what i live for.

  24. Haya Nesheiwat Period 6

    In summer, anticipation arose as we sat in that car for five hours. “Just one more hour” it felt like my dad always said. Hearing one more hour to my favorite place ever was like giving a monkey a banana. And as I passed the sign “Ocean City, Maryland 50 miles”, those next 50 miles felt like 50 years. Once we pulled into the parking lot I’d race my brother and sister to the room and battle them for the best bed in the room. After that Nour and I would see who can make it to the ocean first. It was like a race to our death because whoever won would gloat the most the whole trip. And whenever she won, I had to be the one to beg our parents for the sparklers once the sunset. It made us feel superior to the other kids on the boardwalk and we’d gloat them in their faces. That night I was always restless because I couldn’t wait to go on our favorite speed boat the next day, “The O.C. Rocket.” Specifically, I remember one time, me and Omar argued forever on who would sit on the outside to see the dolphins. I won, my parents were afraid he’d jump off or something, knowing him he probably would. Post my brothers dramatic begging of the day, my mom would take my sister and me to the boardwalk to go get our hair French braided, beaded and wrapped. It was my favorite part of the day because when I got home I would brag to my friends at how cool I was, they would always think otherwise. And I would do anything to go back to Ocean City, it was my second home.

  25. In summer, nothing meets the great experiences one has during the summer. On June 27th, the best day of the year, I finally get to return to Swan Lake NY. I have been excitingly counting down for 315 days. To finally be on Silver Lake in Camp Chipinaw for 8 weeks with my best friends is the best thing that anyone could ever have. It is at this time when people make lifetime friends; these people  leave marks on someones life, and are the people you can go to for anything and everything. Even the little things that happen during those 2 months could be treasured more then anything in the world. Sitting around in a circle outside the flag pole, dancing in the rain, or even just sitting on someones bed talking or laying there make this amazing feeling that you simply don't want to let go of. In summer, I make unforgettable memories that will never be forgotten.

    Olivia Hymowitz, Period 6

  26. In summer, waiting for the show, we’d all lie down on towels in my backyard gazing at the dark and empty sky, hoping for it to come. Everyone started to become restless as we finished off our desserts and waited for the finale of the night to come. Finally, out of nowhere, a small ball of light shot up in the sky and we all anticipated the POP that would follow. After what seemed like hours, it came, and a light show preceded it that entertained us all.

    It was the night of July 4th, the time of year when family gathered at my house to celebrate the freedom of our country. We played games, ate food, and spent as much time together as possible to celebrate this amazing holiday. Although we enjoyed the daytime activities, the most amusing activity of the night was without a doubt the firework show. We all rushed our activities before it so we would be ready for the red, white, and blue light show that managed to impress us every year. Lights flew up into the sky in different colors and patterns. And when it seemed as though the show had ended and all the ashes had fallen to the ground, more lights sprung out from the ground in vibrant colors that enforced the carefree and happy nature of July 4th. Finally, after the highlight of the night was over, the different members of my family parted ways and started the long drive back home, while I laid in bed, thinking of what had just happened and expecting the following year’s show to be even better, which it always seemed to be.

    Steven Jacobson Period 6

  27. Nicole S. pd.1
    In summer, life consisted of Fire Island. Going to Fire Island every summer became a tradition from when i was about 6 years old. Going to Fire Island this summer allowed me to bring back many memories. Bike riding everywhere. Bike riding into town, to the beach, to the bay, and sometimes just riding around the neighborhood. The sandy pavement creating an almost silent hiss while riding my bike. The games my sisters and i played on the beach. Jumping over the water as it came towards us, chasing each other on the sand, throwing around a mini football, and playing wiffle ball. The distinct smells that surrounded me helped me remember the memories from when i was a little girl in Fire Island. The smell of the bay, the food in town, and it even seemed like the sand had a smell to it. There are absolutely no cars except for the fire trucks that sit in the fire house. Fire Island is almost like an escape for the world in New York. There is not hustle and bustle or loud noises in Fire Island, like New York. I feel like i have escaped from the world when spending half of my summer in Fire Island. I hope to relive this tradition in later summers.

  28. Christina Della-Rocco Period 1

    It all goes back to the summer of 2010 where i can still picture all the RV's lined up in rows, the smell of everyone barbaquing and the sound of kids jumping in the pool. Some people may call it just camping, but I call it, Paradise.

    Each day there would be a different activity for us to do. One night there was scavenger hunt only for teenagers, another night there was karaoke in the lounge, there was movie night one night.

    But this place didn't even feel like camping. It was more of a resort. Even though you do sleep in your own RV, we had all the accomadations of any other place. There was a heated pool, nice bathrooms, dining room, a wi-fi room, a playground for little kids. It was amazing.

    But the best part was, you didn't even have to stay on camp grounds. You can go off and adventure the town. There's aquariums, fancy restuarants, beaches in distance.

    Probably one of the best parts about the whole trip was meeting people my own age, (or even a little older) and becoming friends witht them. The friends I made there I thought I never would talk to again, but I still talk to every single one of them to this day. We all made a promise to eachother, and that is that we will all go back next year and have even more memories. And that is what's most important to me- the memories that I'll hold onto forever.

  29. Tim Alfieri-Period 6

    In summer my family always went down to Florida to go on vacation during a vacation. When we first arrived the intense heat was always a nice welcome as we got into the car to drive to our house. We alwys arrived at the house starving and quickly ran to the cold empty fridge, forgetting that we hadnt been there in months. After we returned from the super market we would unpack all of our heavy bags and immediatley jump into the cold refreshing pool and smell the chlorine that was just put in. My sisters and I swam in the pool,racing eachother and playing games, while our parents made lunch for us all to eat. After we finished our lunch, which tasted amazing after the three hour flight with nothing but a few dissapointing snacks, we all went back to our rooms to finish upacking. Later we would all drive down to the beach to play. I always went there without any shoes and had to walk across the hot parkinglot while my feet burned as i ran to the cold sand. The water in the gulf was always freezing so usually only my youngest sister would dare to play in it for long. Before we left the beach we would shower off in even colder water to get the itchy sand off us. After we returned home once again the whole family usually watched the tv with the volume either to loud or to low, never in between, while dinner was being made. At the end of the day we would swim in the pool again before we all went inside to get ready for bed. The next day we often did the same thing, and alwasy same in the pool. At the end of the vacation we alll stared back at the house and said bye, knowing that we would not see it again for a few months.

  30. In summer it would be a family tradition to go away to Marthas Vineyard for a week and just relax and go to the beach. That all changed when I was about to turn thirteen. As a family we had decided to take a trip to Israel for my bar mitzvah and have my service there. I can still remember the day of my bar mitzvah as if it were yesterday. The room we were staying in had this really annoying alarm clock that sounded like nails on a chalk board and that is the first thing i heard when i woke up on the big day. Because Israel has a 7 or 8 hour time difference and it was our second day there i didnt sleep well the night before and so the 6:30 wake up seemed like tourture to me. As i got dressed and dragged myself downstairs to breakfast for a nice meal of eggs it still hadnt sunk in just how big of an event was only 2 hours away. After breakfast and leaving the hotel to go to the Western Wall we took what seemed like a million pictures of me and various family members and that is when i started to get nervous. thankfully the service started right as i was getting nervous and i remember just thinking about getting through this and saying the prayers was something that i didnt really put much attention into and thankfully didnt mess it up. When it came time to read my torah portion i felt like i was going to throw up but then thankfully i got through the first part fine and i calmed down and did the rest of it. The rest of the day was a blur of meeting different family i didnt know i had, sleeping on our tour bus and finally falling asleep by the hotel pool. but ironicly at the end of my proudest day of my life came one of the worst parts of the vacation. i got sick with a stomach virus and that ruined my first full day as a bar mitzvah. but i still remember that very day.

    Tyler Hart pd 6

  31. Grant Wissak
    Period 1

    In summer, everyone lived for camp. The place is just incredible, with the glossy lake, the beautful stars at night. The amazing people and most of all your amazing friends, camp truly makes the summer. Nobody could think about anything else besides camp when it was a few days away. It is/was the best place on earth, nothing can even come close to how camp makes you feel. Some people, even myself think of it as their home away from home. Without school during the summer people often get bored with nothing to do. Camp is that something to do, if your feeling down, your friends know how to make you feel better. You spend around 2 months straight with them, they may get annoying sometimes, but they are always there for you, no matter what. Everybody waits the whole year for camp. From the day it ends till the day it starts everybody can't wait. Camp is the place i enjoy most in the world.

    Sorry Ms. Morrisey, i dont have a google account so kate let me use hers, i was too lazy too make my own. <3

  32. Sara P 1
    Every summer my family(extended included), take a trip to Vermont. There, we play tennis, water ski, windsurf, and in general spend a lot of time together! Last year, the neighbors of the house that we rent out had a new puppy. At one point, they had brought him over to play. As it was around lunch time, the adults went inside to eat, and the kids stayed outside, playing with the dog, too distracted to eat. Because the puppy wasn't very well trained yet, it was hard to get him to stay in one place for very long. while people were distracted by socializing, and the dog was left to his own devises, he made a run for it. At fist, I was calling him to try to get him to come back, but he wouldn't. It was only when we had everyone outside and yelling for him, did he choose to return. Without a team effort, our neighbors may have never gotten their puppy back again.

  33. In Summer, Salsport became my home away from home. Even though each year we were there only a week, it was still the best week of the year. No worries, no responsibilities and no issues. The biggest dilemma of the week would be what bathing suit to wear in the morning. It's ridiculous how people who have never met each other before can grow to be best friends. All it takes is s boat, a beach, a tube and kids just being kids. Summer friends grow to be regular friends and soon become the most significant friends you have. Mid-day swimming and bike riding to night time walks and games. Everything about the time in Salsport just peaceful. The only part of the trip that is saddening is when it comes time to leave. The end of the week is depressing but the only thing that keeps the smile on my face is the fact that I know soon enough I shall be back for another summer. Back in the peace of Salsport.

    Sam pd 6

  34. Summer 2010 it an a unforgettable summer, the day filled with much relaxing by the beach and the touching the cold water giving me shivers. The nights filled with blasting music, people screaming on rides and the stillness of the ocean hearing the waves crash.

    Jersey shore a place where i spend my summer every year and get my Guido on. Waking up in the morning to the sun shinning through the blinds and hearing the crashes of waves on the beach. Opening the blinds seeing that peachy color sand and the sun reflecting off of the bright blue water looking out to the horizon, making my mind still and relaxed a beautiful sight.

  35. I love all your memories! From the camp stories, vacations, and beach days - they all sound wonderful! Continue sharing....

  36. In summer i got visit family in France and Ireland. All my cousins are there so its nice to spend time with them once in a while. The beach is the main attraction when in France. The warmth of the sand beneath my feet and the cool water glistening in the sun. A great place to be with family and friends. In ireland its different because its usually colder out and the sun doesnt come out as much. My cousins and I usually spend the day on their speed boat water skiing or tubing. After a tiring but eventful day we usually stay home or if the mood strikes us go into town for a bite to eat.

  37. Nicole Murphy Period 6
    In the summer, I made new friends that I will seriously remember forever. This summer was such a memorable summer because of all the experiences I had. The best part was making one of my friends one of my best friends. I could never live without her because since the summer she has helped me through so much that i have gone through. You always need a best friend and I found one this summer all because of the time we spend together almost everyday, literally not doing anything and still having a good time. She also introduced me to new people who I have also grown very close to or spread from, but either way I will always remember this summer to be the best. Every summer tries to be the best but I know nothing could top this summer off more than making new friends who you grow to love through ups and downs.

  38. In summer, I used to go over Jordyn's house a lot. Jordyn was my best friend and we were inseparable last summer. In the morning I would wake up,  see what the day was like, call her and then walk to meet her half way then walk into town. Since we live so close to each other it was only a 5-10 minute walk, and since it was so pretty out we both didn't mind walking, especially when it would rain, warm summer rain has always been one of my best memories.
    When we went into town we would stop and get breakfast or lunch, it depended on how late I slept in that day. We would get bagels and iced coffees then when we were done eating we would go back to her house. Her family was usually out when I would come over on the summer days, they were either at work or some type of camp, either way it was a lot better then being at my house where  my annoying sisters and all of their friends would hang out. 
    We wouldn't do much of anything but we would still manage to have a good time, we would always laugh and make jokes or go down to the pool and try to get tan, even though it was nearly impossible for me. A couple of times I even got burnt, but it was all part of my summer experience. 

  39. I cant remember one summer that I have done anything productive. The basic outline of my summers consist of sleeping until two, hanging with friends, getting fired from jobs and then blowing off all summer school work. Last summer however, was a bit more memorable then others. What set this summer aside from all other summers was how I achieved a new level of nothingness. Aside from attending scattered football and lacrosse camps, my days would begin at two and end at two. If I learned anything at all this past summer I learned the importance of the couch. The couch is your best friend but must be treated with respect at all times. In order to become a couchite, one must obey the laws of couchism. Article 1: Never leave the remote under the couch’s cushion. Although this may appear to be a petty offense, its not! Article 2: Do not insult the couch by applying awkward and uneven pressures. Instead, keep feet flat on the floor or rested upon designated footrests. Article 3: Eating upon the couch is a sin, would you like the couch to eat on you? Eat food at appropriate eating areas and lick fingers clean before approaching the couch. Article:4 Do not spend your adolescent summers on the couch watching nickelodeon.
