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Monday, February 14, 2011


Our new play, Antigone, explores the theme of moral conflict. Antigone faces the dilemma of having to transgress (disobey) civil law in order to give her brother a proper religious burial. The conflict of 'Antigone' is the conflict between the manmade laws of the State and the god-given laws of justice; morality; and rites, rituals, and traditions.

Is it more important to follow what "seems to be right" to you or the laws we must abide by as members of a specific society. Is it better to follow human laws or supernatural laws? Provide an example to support your stance.


  1. It is more important to follow what seems to be right. the reason being to creating laws is to make sure society doesnt fall under the state of nature. however if you are breaking laws that arent moral from your point of view, go against your own beliefs, or go against equality of the people, thoes laws should be broken. it is better to break the law for the greater good of the people. refering to Antigone, she is trying to bury her dead brother because its right, it isnt harming anyone else in society and it provides fairness so we should abide rights unless it is hindering us or unfair to us. stick up to what we believe in and a little civil disobedience never hurt anyone.

  2. Haya Nesheiwat Period 6

    It is more important to follow what seems to be right. the reason being to creating laws is to make sure society doesnt fall under the state of nature. however if you are breaking laws that arent moral from your point of view, go against your own beliefs, or go against equality of the people, thoes laws should be broken. it is better to break the law for the greater good of the people. refering to Antigone, she is trying to bury her dead brother because its right, it isnt harming anyone else in society and it provides fairness so we should abide rights unless it is hindering us or unfair to us. stick up to what we believe in and a little civil disobedience never hurt anyone

  3. Hayley Kronthal Period 6
    It is important to do both, laws are set up to keep society in order and if people break those laws it sends the message that you can do what ever you want. However some times it is necessary to go against the law to show the government that there is a flaw. For example when slavery was still legal people went against the law to help slaves escape which was right and moral. It brought the governments attention to the situation and helped to change the law. Again on the other hand people cannot just do what they want ever they want to, there is a line where no one is above the law no matter what they think is right. For Antigone it will not harm anyone is she gives her brother the proper memorial ceremony but once again it does send the message to the public that she can break the law. In this situation Antigone should follow her heart and do what she thinks is right.

  4. Jake Lerner Period 6

    I think it is important to follow a combination of human law and supernatural law. The reason why supernatural law came about was because of the enlightened thinkers in Europe during the eighteenth century trying to defy the laws of the state. When someone decides to follow self made laws, people become unequal and fights are more likely to break out but if people were to only follow the laws that the government made life would be boring and uninteresting. A balance of both is essential to life.

  5. Michelle Loguidice period 1

    To me, it is more important to follow the laws of society because if everybody did what they thought “seemed right” then the world can be chaotic. People’s morals differ so laws need to reinforce the guidelines for humans to live by. An example of how it is better to follow the laws of society is if a person thought it was ethically right to steal something from a store because they cannot afford to pay for it, then it wouldn’t be ethnically right for the shopkeeper who is stolen from because they may not have enough money for themselves, that is why laws keep people in order from deciding what is right and wrong. To me, it seems like in Antigone going against the law for a religious burial may not seem like a big crime, but for others it may be offensive and corrupt.

  6. yo wuddup its burger p.1

    I think it is important to follow human natural laws more than societies laws. For example, it is common in our society to do things like bullying, sueing for the sake of getting money and cheating on tests. While there are no laws against these things, they are still common aspects of everyday life but are not good morals to live by. bullying hurts others, sueing in some cases wrongfully takes money away from innocent people and cheating takes away the dignity of the test. If something seems like it may be wrong even though your following a crowd, dont do it.

  7. Devin Ullerick Period 1

    In my opinion it's more important to follow what seems right to you, but at the same time not disobeying too many laws from your specific society. If too many of these laws are disobeyed that would be an example like homicide, or another act of murder, because it may have seemed right to that person but it's against the law at the same time. Also I think it's better to find a balance between human laws and supernatural ones. I believe this because for example there are no human laws talking about the burial of loved ones or someone else, its a supernatural one. The balance of this would be don't bury someone alive because that's against the law, but do it for family members as a sign of respects and as a tradition of most religions.

  8. Christina Della-Rocco, Period 1

    I think it's better to follow what seems right. In my opinion, if people follow what seems right in life, or in other words, their heart, then it just makes sense. Some people may also "go with their gut" which is the same thing. For example, when students take tests, teachers always tell them to go with their gut, circle the answer that they think is right. Most of the time, it's correct. Even though people sometimes make wrong decisions based on what they think is right, it's okay because everyone makes mistakes and they learn from them. It goes with the saying, "that which doesn't kill you makes you stronger." When people fail, just get up and try again.

  9. marisa santella
    I think it is important to follow the laws given to us as a nation. the laws we have dont discriminate, and they are there for the saftey of the community and the lives of everyday people. for someone, there inception of doing whats right maybe stealing from a bank, and there's a law against that, or if someone thought it was right to murder an indivudual, there are laws against that too. if we could do what we all thought was right, we would live in a crazy, unorganized place. there are so many different opinions and lifestyles that there needs to be a set of rules to follow. But, if in a rare case where the law is un-just and corrupt, then people have the right to do what they think is right and have the authority to set the law straight. although, at the same time, getting the vote of the people.
    also, for believing in supernatural laws(religion?) and believing man-made laws, thats a self opinion. someone has to, with no choice abide to society's laws and can not let thier religion get in the way of that. (which most don't.) but, it is a choice to believe in supernatural laws because its all about opinion and faith and how your religion guides you to becoming a loyal follower.

  10. Sometimes laws need to be broken in order to make progress, and other times, the laws that dictate our actions are unjust or corrupt. This isn't always the case however. Usually laws need to be followed, even if it goes against what you feel is right, or just. This is because it takes some people to sacrifice in order to overall keep the peace. If people were allowed to break the law every time they felt that it was unfair, there would be no social structure. However, in certain circumstances, breaking the law can be for the better good of the people. In Egypt, the dictator Mubarak was a dictator who had been keeping people repressed for many years. Recently, a revolution started, where people flooded the streets, break laws such as staying outdoors after curfew to protest and send their message to the government. Even though these people were breaking the law, they were doing it to try and change a government that had been corrupt and unfair for many years. If the laws given onto you are unjust, it is acceptable to break them, as long as the reasoning for doing so is able to be explained. This often can be hard to determine, because different people have different ideas of what they believe is fair, and just. I think that human laws are better to be followed, unless the laws that are governing you are stopping people from executing the unalienable rights that all humans should have. For example, slavery was stopping a certain race of people from freedom. This is why it was seen as acceptable when people broke the law and started revolting against this treatment.

  11. i would say for the most part it is important to follow the laws made for society under the constitution. laws are made for a reason, and if one person feels they are exempt from the laws, then why isn't everyone else exempt as well? of course there are circumstances that are different and are exceptions. laws are the one standardized thing in society- they don't differentiate the rich from the poor, the pretty from the ugly and they do not discriminate based upon gender. if they weren't followed, people could do whatever they pleased and there would be chaos and no reason to work for anything in life. additionally, laws are pretty tolerant of religious and cultural beliefs, so one should not have a difficult time respecting their culture along with the constitution or other laws. for example, just because the sacrifice of an animal is acceptable in one religion, one should not be able to just go and kill the animal because that is their belief. in this specific case, laws aren't made to anger the believers of the religion, a law was simply made to protect living creatures and that should be abided by and respected.

  12. Logan Epstein Period 6

    I feel as though it is more important to follow supernatural laws because with everyone following the same set of laws there would be no conflicts in our world. We seem to have those people in our society who will follow moral laws and start to cause conflict. I believe that its important to input your ideas (morals laws) but I don't think thats what everyone should follow. With everyone following their own moral laws there would be no order in society. We need to have something that we can follow in our lives which would be the supernatural laws.

  13. I think it is important to follow the laws of society because laws are set up to help keep our country in peace. If there weren't laws then there would be more crimes committed and it would be like survival to the fittest. The reason for this is because animals have no rules that they have to follow since they're not as advance as humans. Which means in order for them to get food or anything they need, they have to fight each other. In comparison, if humans didn't have laws, we would be fighting each other to get what we need and want and no one would be safe. It is dangerous because everyone would steal, get as much food as they can since they wouldn't have to pay and this would lead up to people acting violent.

    Mariana period. 6

  14. I believe people should follow the supernatural laws they abide until it conflicts with the human made laws. People are given the liberty to follow their own gods or religious figures, which provide a moral and traditional conduct for people to follow. Likewise, the human made laws are formed to protect the rights of the people and therefore by defying these rules, it may risk the rights or safety of others. When there is a situation where following the supernatural laws result in ignoring the rights of others or even harming them, one should follow the human made laws that do not result in any harm. An example of such a situation may be when murderers kill a group of people as they were considered morally corrupt. It would be unfair for the government to consider the murders as innocent because their motivation for murder was justified. In such a situation, the murders should be punished, as by human law it is illegal to kill other people.

    Serena Takada pd. 1

  15. Melanie Singer period 1
    Depending on the situation laws should usually be enforced. For them to be broken there must be a good excuse for doing so including with out laws, trouble in society and the government may occur. For instance in Egypt now, Mubarak has stepped down from ruling over everyone but the army and once he stepped down the army took his spot in ruling over the people to chaos does not occur. Without laws to follow that would be enforced by the army in this case, the Egyptians would most likely attack Israel as well as go in to debt at some point leading to starvation and trouble throughout Egypt. Also based on most laws that are created, they are tolerant of almost all religions. If one person is very religious then they would most likely follow their supernatural law instead of strictly following human laws. Such as in some countries where terrorism is big, they would sacrifice themselves based upon their placement in the army. Based on Antigone, I think she should have a proper religious burial based on her supernatural laws including it is her choice based upon her religion and the law shouldn't be able to decide how she has a burial for her brother.

  16. I believe it is more important to abide by the laws set by society rather than moral laws. Laws set by society are made to keep people safe, happy, and civil. Although there may be some instances where the moral thing may seem to weigh its importance over the laws of the land but over all you can't live abide by just moral laws. Also I don't think it's okay to make exceptions. Maybe one out of a million cases it may be acceptable to choose the moral decision over the land decision but if on begins to make exceptions then it will cause chaos. I believe that there will be much controversy and it will make many questions arise as to what is acceptable in society and what is not, and how this would be decided.

    Sam pd 6

  17. Jake Bogart period 6

    Personally I think that doing whats you think is right is the most important thing, and that is what one should always do, although actions should be in moderation and controlled relating to the laws we are supposed to abide by as a society. For example, if i thought that something was morally correct, i would fight for it and choose that option over others. Although, if it meant risking my life, or getting in trouble, i would have to think it over and my mind might be changed. In order for a society to be kept under control, i agree that there should be a specific set of laws established by the government. But sometimes, if the circumstances are fitting, it is ok to break these laws in order to do whats right.

  18. I feel that for the most part the law should be observed and followed because if people felt that the law didnt apply to them then there would be chaos and anarchy among the people. i do however feel that there should be a few exceptions and judgment based calls. for example if a person is stranded in a national park and doesnt have food but sees a deer then i think its fine if he kills the deer for food. i dont think people should kill animals just for fun and without a license but in life or death situations then i think it is acceptable to break the law. i also think that people have basic rights like food, water and shelter. and if there are any laws that prohibit people from getting those three things and then they would die then i feel like its acceptable to break the law. for example homeless people that live in abandoned buildings. they techincally are tresspassing but they have no other place to stay and might freeze if they dont have shelter so i feel they are justified in breaking the law.

  19. I feel that for the most part the law should be observed and followed because if people felt that the law didnt apply to them then there would be chaos and anarchy among the people. i do however feel that there should be a few exceptions and judgment based calls. for example if a person is stranded in a national park and doesnt have food but sees a deer then i think its fine if he kills the deer for food. i dont think people should kill animals just for fun and without a license but in life or death situations then i think it is acceptable to break the law. i also think that people have basic rights like food, water and shelter. and if there are any laws that prohibit people from getting those three things and then they would die then i feel like its acceptable to break the law. for example homeless people that live in abandoned buildings. they techincally are tresspassing but they have no other place to stay and might freeze if they dont have shelter so i feel they are justified in breaking the law.

    Tyler Hart pd 6

  20. Will Barnwell 1

    It depends on the situation. There are times when following the law is the best course. Other times its better to follow your heart. Laws arent perfect because the people who make them arent perfect. Based on the situation breaking laws and common practices can be better.

  21. It is important to do what you think is right. However, sometimes, what you think is right, may not be right. It is important to disobey the law sometimes when you strongly believe that your action is right. However, breaking the law results in serious consequences and there must be a good reason to break the law. For instance, in Antigone, the character clearly strongly believes her actions were right because she wanted to give her brother a proper religious burial. In this instance, she had a good reason that was worth breaking the law for. Therefore, people should follow what they believe is right as long as there is a good reason and it is worth standing up for.

  22. Anshul Doshi pd. 6

    It depends on the situation for what you decide to follow. Though the laws of the land are meant for everyone to follow under any circumstance, there is no way for humans to be able to make laws for every situation in the world. Some situation call for following your heart and doing what you think is right. I think that people should acknowledge the law but ultimately follow their heart and do what is right knowing the consequences. For example if a doctor whose patient is dying speeds to the hospital. Then police catch him and he is fined for speeding. Though he is punished by the law he decides that saving the patient is more worthy than a 200 dollar fineThese types of real life situations happen to everyone and I think that courts should stop relying on the law and the constitution and look into more if what the person did was right.

  23. I believe that it is more important for people to abide by the laws then to do what seems right. Just because someone thinks something is right does not mean it is, and many times it is not. What seems to be right is not always good for everyone which is why people should abide by the laws. These laws are made to keep society in order and to protect people. If everyone broke these laws and did what they thought was right, like criminals do, then it could cause chaos and disorder in society. The laws are created to to help and protect people from others that do whatever they want to which is why it is important that these laws always be abided by.

  24. Sarah Vallarelli period 6
    I am a person who likes to follow the rules, weather it is my mom’s rules or the rules of the law. The rules are not made just for fun, they are created to keep the people safe and the creators have the people’s best interest in mind. But the worse the crime is then the worse the punishment will be and vise versa. For example, murder is obviously a felony and a terrible crime to commit and one who does this will have serious consequences. But if someone was to steal from a store, and I’m not implying that someone should, they would not have as serious of a punishment. No one is perfect and in some situations people are going to break the rules.

  25. Joanna Gonzalez period 6
    People should follow the supernatural laws. The laws helps unify society and keep people in order.It tries to prevent bad things to happen. If everyone followed there lives by there own rules, the world would be even more crazy than it is now, the world would be unorganized. There are rare cases where if someone disobeyed the law shouldn’t be punished to the fullest sentence. In my opinion I always follow the rules unless the only thing I can do to help is break it. To make progress in the world, there are situations where it could be broken.

  26. I think it is more important to follow the laws that are given by the government. They are given to us for the good of ourselves and for the safety and security of our own society. These laws help to keep society in order, and keep everything under control. If people were to abide by their own rules and laws, the world would become very hectic and chaotic. Although I do strongly believe that all people should follow the laws given to us, there are some circumstances where you should go with what you believe is right, but one definitely should not break the rules each time they are faced with a decision. In Antigone, she is faced with a big decision that can change her life. I think that in this case she should break the rules and have a proper burial for her brothers.

  27. Grace Tobin period 6

    I feel it is more important to follow the laws provided to us by the state because they are created in order to obtain a safe and happy society and general good of the people. However, if the laws provided by the government are unfair and don't abide by the general good of the people, then reforms must be made by fallowing what is known as the supernatural laws. An example of this can be expressed through a time such as Natzi Germany, in which the good of the people was being exploited and thousands were killed on a regular basis. Because of supernatural laws, the unlawful government was over ruled however it is necessary to have such rules in order to keep society under control.

  28. This comment has been removed by the author.

  29. Grant Wissak
    Period 1

    It truly depends on the situation in which either human laws or supernatural laws should be followed. If the situation is small, and won't deeply affect your life, I believe that people should follow human laws due to the fact that your life could be severely hindered in the future. But normally when one is forced to make a decision like this, it is often very serious and between life or death. At this point i would always true supernatural laws over human law, mainly because whats right powers over everything in this world. Just like the example that we used today in class, it was a matter of life or death. Legally, he wasn't able to take the medicine to save his child. But its his child and he will do anything for him. I would definitely take the medicine illegally any day of the week.

  30. Steven Jacobson Period 6

    I believe that a combination of abiding by human laws and supernatural laws is essential in deciding what is right to do. Both types of laws have their pros and cons and might differ for different people. The reason that the laws made by the society should be followed are that they have been worked on for many years to establish a set of laws that is the most fair to as many people as possible. However, for some people, the laws are not fair. It is these people that feel they need to abide by their own laws. In addition, some laws might need to broken if it is for the greater good of the people. As long as one is helping others and not harming anyone, it should be allowed. For example, in “Antigone”, the main character has to decide between burying her brother, which is illegal, and not burying her brother. In this case, I believe that it is fine to bury her brother because she is not harming anyone else and therefore should be allowed to do it.

  31. I believe that people should follow there hearts and do what they feel is right as long as they're not harming other People or damaging people property. In the case of this play burying her brother is not hurting or damaging anyone or anything laws are made to protect people but sometimes laws are ment to be broken because they're injust an example would be from the examples we read today in class whenthe guy ran down the baby caf just so that he could provide for his family.

  32. Olivia Hymowitz Period 6

    I think it is more important to follow the laws. Even though a person might want to do what they believe is right, it will cause you a lot less trouble if you just follow the law. Laws are made for a reason, and its not to make you feel like they have to be broken, it is to protect each person. Sometimes people break the laws for a reason, one time I feel it is ok if you have a very important reason, but this shouldn't be a habit. It is for everyones safety to have laws and they should be kept and followed.

  33. I outright believe that it is better to obey supernatural laws rather than to abide by man-made laws. Every man on earth only receives one chance to live, and in that one chance they reserve the right to pursue happiness and that alone overrides any law or regulation that interferes with one's happiness. Is there a point to live life without happiness?

  34. Amanda Araujo Pr.1

    I believe laws are very important in society. Law is used to keep control and people safe. But when the law is restriction of proper beliefs and interviews with someone morally such as Antigone where she faces her government and belief. Even though her brother had committed some sort of treason it is still not right to make the family suffer. I say let the man have his funeral in order for Antigone's concience be cleared. And thus he was a human being so better to act humane than like savages with no heart. If I was pit into this position or in other law related injustices I would break a law or two if it is morally right serving my religion and or belief of justice. Laws are great reinforcements but come on some not all some laws are made to be broken.

  35. austin pollack period 6

    I believe it is more important to abide by self regulations rather than obey society's commands. Self regulations contains a code of morality while laws of society are the ideas of what people should do and what they should be like. Antigone faces a struggle against society because of society's refusal to burry her dead brother. This is unjust, no matter how who, everyone has the right to a proper burial. Who gives society the right to prevent a burial from taking place. In a way this is injustice in society. Laws enforce the idea that we should live peacfully under the rules of law. Naturally, we break those laws every day following our own code of morality.

  36. I believe that you should abide by your natural instincts, considering if its a life or death situation. But if this wasn't the case, you should go by the man-made laws because if you don't, then you could face serious consequences. Laws are meant to be followed in order to create peace, but each and everyday they get broken on account of people following their own code of morality. As long as you don't cause harm on your self or others, then it is reasonable to stand up for your natural rights and do whatever it takes to satisfy yourself. An example of this is when segregation took place, and a strong individual, Rosa Parks stood up for her rights and chose not to sit in the back of the bus. This is reasonable because she stood up for herself without harming others.

  37. i think it depends whether the situation is serious enough to break a law. For example if it is a necessity to break the law for the well being of someone then i think it might be ok. Other than that i think you need to follow the law because that is the role of a good citizen and a good person. If everyone didn't follow laws this world would be chaotic. In antigone's situation i think i would break the law because it is only fair that everyone gets a proper burial. I would consider it as being a sin if Antigone didnt do it.

  38. i believe that every situation should be looked at individually. in this instance, i believe that it should be up to her family if they want to give her brother a proper burial. if her family says no, then she should obey them. however, if she wanted to go after the person who killed her brother to kill them, then she should be put on trial.
