Blog Intructions:

Whenever you respond to a writing prompt, please be sure to include your name and class period to make CERTAIN you will recieve credit for the given assignment.

Monday, March 7, 2011


Your Task: Read through page 118 in "SPEAK"
a) Looking at the artwork by Picasso, why do you think Melinda was so inspired and captivated by it?
b)find some detail in the Picasso work to discuss. How does it connect to or represent Melinda?
c)Respond to a classmate's interpretation: do you agree with their interpretation? Why or why not?


  1. Grant Wissak
    Period 1

    A) Melinda was most likely inspired and captivated by Picasso because of the creativity and originality. They both are very different from the norm of their people. Melinda being extremely different from the kids at her school, she can't find any people to connect with at school, and struggles to find inspiration to even attend school. Picasso also was one of a kind artist, before him know artist even compared to the artwork that he created, this is why she finds him so interesting.

    B) In Picassos drawings he often has people that have odd faces, or different then the average persons face would look like. They are extremely detailed on odd parts of the face, and some have cracks or are split down the middle. These drawings represent Melinda because she doesn't know who her true self is, because of this she has 'cracks' in her face from horrible self esteem and loneliness.

    C) I cannot complete this part of the task because i am the first person to post

  2. Michelle Loguidice
    Period 1
    a) After looking at the artwork, I came to the conclusion that Melinda is so interested in Picasso's work because when looking at his artwork there is no right or wrong answer, his artwork can mean anything to anyone. Melinda also is interested because Picasso's work is unique and different, it doesn't really make that much sense the first time you look at it. Similarly to Melinda, you have to get to know her and really understand her before you judge her.
    b) The paintings of the faces connect to Melinda because to me, the faces look strange and unrealistic. This represent Melinda because like the faces, she hasn't found herself yet and does not know who she is. Also, the last painting looks like the face is scared and covering her mouth. That represents Melinda because she is mute and is scared all the time.
    c)I strongly agree with Grant because Picasso's paintings differ from many other painters, like Melinda, who differs from other people.

  3. A I think that Melinda was inspired by Picasso's originality because cubism was so different than any other artwork she'd seen before. It inspired her that being different may be ok and that it's not always a bad thing. Also, Picasso's work is complicated and complex just like her emotions, making her feel like Picasso understands her.

    B The unrealistic faces and sceneriose in Picasso's work are relatable to those which Melinda is going through at school. The vibrant colors and phases like the blue phase and the rose phase of Picasso's career are similar to the many different emotions Melinda is going through as a student.

    c I agree with Michelle because art doesn't have a right or wrong awnser. It is what is it and that's something that Melinda appreciates about art. Michelle also said that you should get to know Melinda before you judge her. I believe this is true because no one really gave her a fair chance and no one knew that she had been raped.

  4. Nicole Soltz period 1
    a) I think Melinda was so inspired by Picasso because she found it
    captivating that he was able to create paintings at different angles.
    She felt Picasso's paintings were something she coud relate to because
    they are different from other paintings, like herself in high school.
    b) Cubism is different than any other paintings she has ever seen. This
    represents Melinda because in school, she feels she is different than
    the everyone else. She also feels like she doesnt fit in which is an
    aspect of cubism.
    c) i completely agree with Grant because like Picasso's artwork, Melinda differs from other people. Picasso's paintings were very different from any other paintings which made it original. This is the same for Melinda.

  5. will barnwell 1

    A melinda was drawn to this artwork because, as she said, you had to look closer to find the meaning. The artwork gave a new perspective on things, literally.

    B In the fourth picture the woman looks worried and there is a different color focusing on her mouth. Melinda is stressed out and tramuatized and she shows this by not speaking and she bites her lip.

    C i disagree, people gave her a chance. heather was a bit abrupt about ending their friendship but heather stuck with her, Melinda drives people away by being silent, depressed and angry

  6. Devin Ullerick 1

    A) Melinda was drawn to this artwork because she sees herself in the art, and can easily connect to it's meaning. Also the artwork portrays things that would be thought of as abnormal, which intrigues her.

    B)In the second piece of art there are both eyes and a nose on the same side of the face. Melinda specifically highlights this one as she talks about picasso's art. This is becasue it represents her in the way that as the art piece is out of place as is Melinda, who is rejected by everyone including the one person who talked to her in the beginning.

    C)I agree with Will's statement that the fourth picture represents Melinda because it, as Will stated, represents her not talking because of the event that happened to her at the party that traumatized her.


  7. Hayley Kronthal period 6

    A) I think that Melinda was so inspired by Picasso because of this cubism phase, it is a different type of art then what was introduced by him. Melinda finds that type of art interesting because it is different. While reading about Picasso this is the chapter that she feels she most understands this type of art work and connects to it the best. She wants to scream out that she "gets it" and let people know that she is not stupid.
    B) In Picasso's drawing ( the one of the person with blue and green color, at the bottom of the other drawings) I see a person who is scared and seems to be tormented. Both the picture and Melinda are confused and scared because of this the person in the picture does not seem to have a voice and is struggling to let something go. Similarly Melinda is trying to find her voice but cannot and hides her feelings.
    C) I agree with Will because we both saw the person who we thought represented Melinda the best because of the appearance. We see both the picture and Melinda to have lost their voice and are to scared to find it.

  8. Anshul Doshi pd.6

    Historians have subdivided Picasso’s art into three sub categories; the rose period, the blue period and cubism. the paintings shown above are part of cubism. These types of painting are broken to shapes and stray from the norm of realistic painting of the time. Like the painting Melinda also strays from the social norm in the way that she acts different and is unable to express herself like everyone else does. Also like the painting that is broken into shapes, Melinda’s life is broken into pieces since she is quickly deteriorating from her depression.

    The fourth painting in particular seems to portray a frightened person kind of like Melinda who is frightened from not only IT but everything else in the world. She has lost her happiness and joy and now has slipped into a depressed lonely person who no one seems to understand. Like the painting has a veil on it, it seems that Melinda to covers herself from everyone because of her refrain to speak and that is resulting in her alienation from school, friends and her parents.

    I disagree with Will since I don’t think its fair to say that Heather truly gave Melinda a chance. Sure she may have stuck with her and claimed to be her friend but as we say in the book the whole time Heather was using her. She used her for her art project, and to fit into the school but after she had made some friends and learned that Melinda was the one that was not part of the social norm, she disposed of her just like that. I don’t think that Heater ever truly acted as a real friend and never did she care enough to help Melinda get through these tough times.

  9. a) I think that Melinda was so inspired by the works of Picasso because he was so unlike other artists she had researched before. Here, she found paintings that she could actually connect to, and understand.
    b) Picasso's Weeping Woman depicts a girl who is dressed in nice clothing, and who even has here hair nicely done up, all painted in warm colors. Aspects like these suggest a stable and happy being. however, her face is painted in cool colors, and has been warped so as to express feelings of pain and anguish. Like this woman, Melinda is placed in a happy surrounding, but is forced to deal with inner horrors, which sometimes show through on her face. The woman's eyes also express a sense of loss of hope, similar to the feelings that Melinda has.
    c) I agree with Hayley's response because it is true that the painting as well as Melinda's confused and scared. In the piece of artwork, the woman seems to be trying to say something, which is definitely similar to Melinda's struggle to come to terms with her past and inner conflicts.

  10. 1) I think that Melinda is captivated by Picasso’s artwork because it is so abstract and can be interpreted to mean so many different things just like Melinda’s emotions can be interpreted to show different things. For example her parents are viewing her as a troubled girl that stopped caring about school and is rebelling against them. When in actuality she is just very disturbed by the party and is socially out casted and what the parents are seeing is just a self defense mechanism that she is deploying.
    2) The faces in the Picasso work represent Melinda because she is all disturbed and is not caring about how they look kind of how Picasso didn’t care if they were perceived as beautiful or not. They have cracks all around them and that represents Melinda because she has some cracks in her face both physically and emotionally.
    3) I disagree with Hayley because I don’t think that Melinda cares one way or the other about the actual cubism part of it. I think she just feels that connection to Picasso because his artwork is abstract just like her mind is very abstract right now and that is the connection that she feels to Picasso.

    Tyler Hart pd 6

  11. Jake Bogart Period 6

    a) I believe that Melinda was so inspired and captivated by Picasso's art because it was unique and different than other art of it's time. In a similar sense, Melinda is different than and having a hard time fitting in with others in school. Picasso is famous for being different, and the way that how he was different made him better, it may be that Melinda is trying to justify herself for being an outcast and different from other kids and proving to herself that she is just as good as them.

    b) In the fourth image, there seems to be a lot of emphasis on the woman's mouth. Throughout the story so far, Melinda has made multiple references about her lips and mouth. She says her lips are bloody and scabby due to the fact that she bites them from feeling nervous and scared. Also, relating to her mouth, is the fact that she is having trouble speaking, because of the incident. This emphasis of the mouth in the painting is connected to Melinda in that their mouths are important to their situation.

    c) I agree with tyler, especially about the part about both the paintings and melinda's mind being abstract. She is in a state of mind that is very scrambled up and confused, with no real understanding of what to to, just as picassos paintings are abstract and have many possible meanings.

  12. Sarah Berman
    Period 6

    A) I think that Melinda is so inspired and captivated by Picasso's work because it is so different and can be interpreted in many different ways. The pieces that Picasso created were very abstract, and can therefore demonstrate many different emotions, just like Melinda. Also, she was inspired by Piccaso's method of cubism, and how different it was from anything else. She eventually will realize that it's okay to be different.

    B) The fourth piece of artwork, I believe represents Melinda very well. The expression on the girls face represents confusion and nervousness, just like Melinda. Also in the photo, The girl is biting her lips, just like Melinda does when she gets nervous or scared or lonely.

    C) I agree with Tyler because the expressions on the womans face can clearly connect to the way Melinda looks and feels about herself. Also, Melinda can be interpreted in many different ways, just like the art done by Picasso. Each piece has a multitude of different meanings, just like Melinda has many different emotions that she is hiding and keeping to herself.

  13. Austin P 6

    a) Melinda was tied to PIcasso's artwork because he captures the true beauty of art which Melinda sees due to her traumatic experience at the party. The bizarreness of his work inspires Melinda because she knows what it is like to be an outcast or a misfit.
    b) In one of the paintings above, a face can be seen with many odd shapes. This captures Melinda's personality. She has her emotions dispersed throughout her mind. She hasn't uncovered some of these emotions yet, however they will be revealed later on. The abstract face captures her sadness and inner beauty that can't be seen by looking at her. It is what is seen through her art and writing
    c) I agree with Tyler, I feel like Melinda's connection to Picasso's art has little to do with the cubism period. However, it is hard to determine the actual connection between the two. It could be because of Melinda's inner connection with her self - expression while it could also be for reasons that cannot be explained. Picasso's work, in retrospect, shows more remorse than it does abstractness. So she could connect with it because of its abstract images or she could find a common theme of sadness that turns into sense of inner joy to see that she is not alone.

  14. Melanie Singer Period 1
    a) Looking at this artwork, Picasso seemed to be similar to Melinda each piece of painting must of had a meaning. Including each painting by Picasso is different from any other painting that shows how unique and different he was to the rest of his society. As for Melinda she must have been inspired by his work because most of her artwork is very different and unique to anyone else's artwork in her art class. For Melinda, every piece of artwork that she created had a story behind it that only she knew but did not share is with anyone around her and just kept it to herself. Picasso must have done something similar, by having a story or feeling towards something behind every painting he ever created.

    b) The first and last painting by Picasso can symbolize Melinda in many ways. Looking at the first picture it seems to be very dark and gloomy and not as interesting as some other painting that he has created. There are geometric shapes that can show that Melinda's life is very boring and lonely too. Then the last painting by Picasso seems to be a well dressed women, such as Melinda (just not well dressed including she doesn't care about what she wears anymore) looking very nervous and afraid of something but that is for the viewer to decide. Whenever Melinda sees Andy Evans, her heart begins to pound and she feels as if she is going to throw up because she is so nervous and has so much hatred towards him. This women could feel the same way as she does whenever she sees "IT".

    c) I agree with Michelle's comment because Picasso and Melinda are both very unique and show that in their artwork and there is also no right or wrong answer when looking at the pieces of artwork as well.

  15. period 1 marisaaa

    a) i think Melinda was so captivated by Picasso's art work because it is clear that Picasso wasn't afraid to draw and create unique works of art, and he wasn't just any other artist who "colors in the lines' .He wanted to be known as someone who was different, confident about his work, and someone not embarrassed or intimidated by others looking at him in a different perspective as he saw himself. Melinda being very shy, and very kept to herself, she would like to be someone not afraid to be abstract, or diverse. she would like to have her head held high with nothing getting in her way. she can relate to Picasso, his uniqueness makes her feel most at ease. she just wants to do Melinda the best way she can.

    b) The first painting where there is a woman with another face attached to hers. this relates to Melinda in a great way. Melinda in a way has two different personalities. one she shares with the outside, and one she shares with the people around her. on the outside it shows her as an introvert, somewhat depressed, and a person who just doesnt seem to care much about anything. a low confidence is obviously present, also you could see a girl trying to express herself but is having trouble getting to that point. the other side of Melinda, is the side she sees with in herself. to her, she is a quiet girl, that doesnt really seem to notice how terrible her behavior is affecting her. she thinks no one really notices her, but they do, and Melinda knows who she really was/is which is a fun and outgoing girl before she got raped. she has two totally different mind sets.

    c) i agree with sara purinton's response because it corresponds to mine. Sara explains that Melinda can relate to Picasso's paintings because Picasso's paintings are unique and original. thats what Melinda feels comfortable with, and what she understands with in her self. the uniqueness makes her feel comfortable and most at ease.

  16. Christina Della-Rocco period 1

    a: I think Melinda was inpired by Picasso's work because it's so unique and different. It's not something that looks like it actually took a lot of time. It's more of like he messed up and just went with it after the mess up. I think he also wanted to be known for doing something different and out of the ordinary. Also because Picasso probably wasn't afarid to do somethingk so out there and probably, for the most part, didn't care what people thought of his artwork.

    b: In the third pciture you can't really tell what it is, just like how no one knows how Melinda's feeling or what's going on with her. You can't tell what Picasso is trying to draw here, but I think he's trying to portray a sense of someeone hiding and trying to finds themselves, just like Melinda. Ever since the summer Melinda's been afarid to talk, be face to face with IT, do anything social or fun, and everyone is trying to figure out what's going on with her but nobody knows.

    c: I agree with Michelle because before you become friends with a person, you have to get to know them first. Both Picasso and Melinda show how they're unqiue and different by representing through their artwork. Picasso has his paintings and Melinda has her tree.

  17. Logan Epstein Period 6
    A) I think Melinda was so inspired and captivated but Picasso's artwork because it expresses fear, depression and people being scared. The works of art are trying to tell the audience something important just cant find the words to express it. This is exactly how Melinda feels..scared, alone with nobody to talk to.
    B) The eyes in Picasso's work define melinda because if you look closely the people in the pictures look worried with fear, and thats exactly how Melinda feels!
    C) I agree with michelle and grant on how Picassos work is different from many artist that we know about, and so is Melinda. She is not like other girls.

  18. Jake Lerner Pd. 6

    a. I think that Melinda was so captivated by Picasso's work because Picasso didn't let boundaries define him. His use of cubism is something that enamors Melinda because she stands out to everyone, similar to the paintings and she wishes that she could use that attention to her benefit.

    b. I think that the third picture is a metaphorical representation of who Melinda is. The picture has no "topic of interest" its just a bunch of black and tan boxes. The boxes, similar to Melinda have no character. Melinda is still trying to figure out who she is as a person and the third picture has no true character that can go alone with it, its abstract.

    c. I disagree with Christina, you are unable to decipher the meaning of the painting unlike how the reader is able to understand what what she is feeling because the book is told from a very open first person perspective which lets the reader know what the protagonist is feeling or thinking.

  19. Toni Ann Abbatantono Period 1
    A) Melinda was inspired by Picasso most likely because he uses interesting colors and it seems that his pieces have double meanings to them. The last picture shows vibrant colors and inside of a persons face is a plain focal point that helps the viewer focus on that and not the colors.
    B) Picasso’s work seems to not have a “fence” in the sense that I feel you either understand it and like it or hate it; no in between. Melinda at first hated Picasso and in later chapters of his book grows a love for him and wishes they went to the same high school.
    C) I agree with Sara because it does seem that Melinda likes Picasso because she feels as if she can relate to him and gets inspired to work on her tree which she wishes was more interesting.

  20. Samantha guarnero period 6

    a. Melinda was inspired by Picasso's work because it wasn't the normal artwork. It was mostly abstract and everything was not always proportional, it did not always flow, but his work had a lot of emotion, something Melinda's artwork lacked. Melinda needs to find a way to express herself through her artwork, Picasso has mastered this. I believe Melinda will use Picasso as a gateway to start to express her emotions.

    b. The third and fourth pictures represent Melinda best. This is because the third picture is very crowded and dark. Sort of like Melinda's life. Like the picture there are a lot of insignificant things in Melinda's life that when put together create a big picture that explains itself. The fourth picture looks like a girl crying out for help. She looks like she is scared and crying out for help but obviously because it is a painting there are no words. This is kind of like Melinda because although she may want to tell people what happened she can not get to the breaking point where she will finally tell people.

    c. I agree with Marisa's response because obviously Melinda is very introverted around many people in her life and the first picture does a good job of displaying this.

  21. a) i think melinda was inspired by picasso because he didn't draw things the normal way, he seemed to see that there was more to people than just a normal face and he incorporated that into his artwork. for example, there is clearly something wrong with the woman in the second drawing and he chooses to represent that by making her face all disheveled and all over the place. melinda feels like there is more to her than what is visible on the surface, and if someone were to draw how she was truly feeling, it would be a mess (in an elegant way), like picassos drawings.

    b) in the fourth painting, there is a woman who looks like a normal human being on the surface, but as picasso draws down her face, her skin ends and it is an image of what is inside her head, which is sadness and tears. this represents melinda because she seems alright to those just passing by but if someone were to actually talk to her about her life, she would completely break down.

    c) i agree with grant, about how the cracks down the face in the painting are representative of melinda because it shows her "breaking down" and how her extreme loneliness is chipping away at her self esteem and body

  22. This comment has been removed by the author.

  23. Steven Jacobson Period 6

    A.)Melinda was so inspired and captivated by Picasso’s work because he was so creative and original. He took things that were usually very ordinary and made them into masterpieces that were very unique. He created art unlike anyone else at the time and was very different from the norm. Similarly, Melinda is very different then the people she encounters at her school and feels like she has nobody to talk to. However, Picasso represents a person that succeeded and wasn’t normal, which Melinda can relate to.

    B.)These pieces of art connect to Melinda in many ways. However, the bottom picture relates to Melinda the most because it has many different colors and shapes. This represents Melinda’s many moods and personalities. Additionally, the face in this picture looks like something has been done to its mouth. This relates to Melinda because Melinda has bitten her lips so much that they are bloody and have scabs all over them. Additionally, this represents Melinda’s struggle to speak about what happened at the party.

    C.)I agree with Austin because the beauty of this artwork also relates to Melinda’s inner beauty. For example, if a person was to take a quick glance at Picasso’s work, they might think that it is ugly and insignificant. However, if one takes the time to look at and examine his artwork, they will realize and understand its true meaning. This is similar to Melinda because many people just assume that Melinda is a bad person and do not take the time to become friends with her and discover her inner beauty.

  24. a) I think that Melinda was captivated by picassos art because not only is it unique and its different which she can relate to because she is different, everyone is.

    b) The blending of the colors on the face in my opinion it shows different emotions that she can be feeling. The second and fourth painting looks like they may be crying and depressed. Painting four looks in a shock and may feel that she is speechless and can't get her words out which melinda can relate to.

    c)i agree with michelle because when people are looking at art they don't see the same things one person might see a face others might interpret the emotions caught in the picture.


  25. a) Melinda was captivated by picasso's art because not many people understand what picasso is trying to portray in his paintings which makes him so unique. Melinda is trying to find herself in the social world and can connect to this painting because it is different than most.

    b)The different colors and different styles used in the paintings signifies i think complication and different moods or settings. Melinda changes in her life can be compared to the differences seen within these works of art.

    c)I agree with sandro because everyone has a different point of view on certain things. People feel and differently about a certains things.

    Kilian period 6

  26. A) Melinda was so captivated and inspired by Picasso's art because it is very different. Melinda and Picasso's art are very strange, uniqu and different from everyone else and it is also very hard for people to understand Melinda and Picasso's art.

    B) The fourth picture can represent Melinda and how she is feeling. In the picture the girl looks very scared and nervous which is how Melinda feels a lot of the time, especially around IT. The girl is also biting her lips, preventing her from speaking, which is what Melinda does to stop herself from speaking about what happened.

    C) I agree with Kilian about how the different colors and styles signify Melindas different moods and settings. The differences within these works of art can show how different Melinda has become from last year or how different she now is from everyone at her school and all of her old friends.

  27. a) I think this work speaks to Melinda because Picasso is depicting very lost scared figures, like the people he has drawn, they look confused and obviously disoriented which is the same exact way Melinda feels. She, like these pictures, does not really know who she is anymore or what to do with herself.

    b) The paintings express scared images that can almost be indescribable in words, they are so meaningful and express so much lost and helpless emotion. Emotion that i believe Melinda is feeling at this point in her life. It is clear the the two paintings of people are scared and have jumbled up emotions, but even the shapes show confusion.

    c) I agree with what Tim has said above me because I agree that Melinda is a very unique different person and she is finally being able to relate to something. I also want to add to that, that she is also very scared and lost and does not know how to cope with it right now and that these paintings express the feelings that she will not speak about.

  28. A) Looking at these images, I believe Melinda was inspired by Picasso’s work because it had a different perspective of art compared to the other forms of art she had seen. Cutting things and rearranging them, or distorting faces seems so bizarre in reality however it is what may have intrigued Melinda.
    B) Melinda often complains about how her body is not perfect. For example when she is trying on clothes at Efferts and looks into the mirror, no feature of her body appears to be beautiful to her. Picasso who painted many distorted phases may have seen many imperfect faces and depicted those imperfect faces in his artwork. Perhaps Melinda thought that it was interesting to have flaws being exposed so boldly.
    C) I agree with Nicole Golino. Picasso’s emotions are flooded in his artwork. The fear of the women, is very well depicted through the attribute of the women’s face, the shapes the artist uses, and his selection of color. It is very easy to assume the emotion of message Picasso was trying to convey through his artwork.

    Serena Takada pd.1

  29. Olivia Hymowitz Period 6
    A) I feel that Melinda is so inspired by Picasso's art work because he is able to express him self in a way that's not usual. These pictures represent all different kinds of things and Melinda likes that. Picasso is showing freedom in his artwork and Melinda admires that.

    B)I think that the forth piece of artwork by Picasso represents Melinda the most because it shows fear in the womens face. It looks like the women is biting her lips, and that is exactly what Melinda does to show her fear.

    C)I agree with Tyler because he said that there are cracks in the painting, and Melinda has cracks in her face physically and emotionally.

  30. Amanda Araujo Pr.1

    A) I believe that Melinda was so inspired by Picasso was because of his ability to show raw emotion into his artwork. Raw human emotion to captivate people in a way that mostly in daily interactions no one seems to see. This is like Melinda, people don't see her and the pain she is going through and she is subconsciously crying out for help but it takes a keen eye to see behind hers.

    B) The last portrait, The Weeping Woman seems to me that applies to Melinda the most. In a way all of them do but in the current situation Melinda is found in at the moment that we are reading in the book, Melinda is weeping maybe not on the outside but slowly the facade is ripping away to shreds and her composure is coming down. just like the Weeping Woman shows how her tears are ripping skin away from her nose to her chin revealing pain and vulnerability.

    C)I agree with what Nicole says In the way that Melinda relates to all the paintings is the aspects of her evolution as a person in society. I disagree with the fact that Melinda doesn't know what to do with herself. I think she does know what she needs to do but just needs a way to do it. I also agree with Tim and Killian with Melinda trying to be in world where different is seen as bad and weird but can also show how this affects people throughout their emotional and physical state.

  31. John DeFonce (p.1)

    A)I believe that Picasso's work inspires melinda because it shows pure emotion and detail through his descriptive art.The pictures represent a feeling of freedom and self confidence which Melinda is seeking for.

    B)Most of Picassos work seems to represent Melinda in some way. He seems to design faces, very odd faces, that seemed to be disoriented. This connects to Melinda because when she looks in the mirror, she sees a different girl than what she used to be and has trouble finding her real identity.

    C)I agree with Olivia because Melinda suffers throuigh fear and pain and these portraits portray exactly that. Also i agree with her on the fact that Melinda is seeking freedom ans a new start.

  32. Art as a whole is open to be interpreted without being judged for making a right or wrong decision. Picassos uncanny ability to paint allow Melinda to see herself in the paintings and interpret the paintings accordingly. Melinda’s own interpretations shed light on her life and current situation which inspired her artwork.
    Each masterpiece by Picasso shown above contain a different meaning their respective works. Specifically in the second piece, the face of the person appears to be split into two different people. Connections can be made between the faces of Picasso's artwork and Melinda's ability to become two different people when she wants to.
    I concur with John Defiance’s interpretation of how Picasso's artwork represents Melinda. Each piece of artwork has a distinct characteristic which holds true to that of Melinda’s personality and situation.

  33. a) I think Melinda found Picasso's artwork captivating because he is able to show his perceptive of the world through his paintings. Melinda finds it inspiring that he can express his emotions and thoughts without saying a word.
    b)In Piccaso's artwork, he mixes colors and odd shapes together which indicates that he wants people to think about the message he is trying to convey. This connects to Melinda because even though Melinda isn't able to speak she shows signs that she is depressed and feels dead inside.
    c)I agree with Michelle because Picasso's drawings show how Melinda is struggling to find her personality and that she's lost in her life.

    Mariana Galeano

  34. Haya Nesheiwat period 6
    a) Melinda is so inspired by these because they are diverse from the normal values throughout her school. also everything is mis-matched and confussed just as she is.
    b)the last one is composed of different colors and structures so its all different and confused, Melinda is the same way because everything in her life is confussing and different from the rest.
    c) I agree with sara p because his artwork is unlike the rest and its different

  35. Sarah Vallarelli period 6
    A) Melinda is so amazed with the painting because you can’t really explain what is going on in the picture and there are many hidden secrets going on in the picture. I think the picture reminds Melinda of herself because she is hiding secrets as well that she doesn’t want anyone to see. She is also can't explain her self and who she is just like this picture.
    B) In the last picture the person in it has a sad face on. Melinda can relate to this because lately she is depressed. She also is very confused and this picture portrays a confused and crazy look to it.
    C) I agree with Jake Lerner because when he says that the paintings stand out and Melinda is sort of jealous of this I totally agree. Melinda wants to be popular again and stand out and be loved but she can’t find the power to do so after what happened.

  36. Nicole Murphy, Period 6

    A) They show feeling and emotions that she can relate to. They are very confusing pieces of artwork and she is also very confused.

    B) The fourth picture can relate to Melinda because she feels confused and sheltered. This picture shows a person who is mis-formated and has dark clothing or "cool" colors that show her emotion.

    c) I agree with Serena Takada because i also think Melinda feels imperfect and not normal, like these pictures represent.I realize that Picasso also shows how people are not perfect through their bodies and actions.
