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Wednesday, March 30, 2011


Antigone tells Ismene, "Don't fear for me. Set your own fate in order." Who determines fate? Does a higher power determine this or do we play a role? Is it a combination of both? Explain your viewpoint!


  1. i think that it is a combination of both. if two people are just talking at a party and have never met before in a different state than one person lives in. then two weeks later they meet again but at someones appartment where one person just moved into the appartment next to them, that is fate. but if two people keep going to the same place for lunch but at slightly different times, if they see eachother repeatedly then it is controled by us because someone will be running late or early and they are bound to see one another.

    tyler hart
    pd 6

  2. Hayley Kronthal period 6

    I think that it is a combination of both a higher power and your own self strength that plays a role.This is because we do have power over many things in our life, for example if your fate is to die of a heart attack, don't eat fried food. However there are factors such as the weather we cannot control, if your fate is to die in an earthquake you can do little about that. I think we can set our own fate sometimes, for example if you want to be successful then study hard in school and don't give up. Factors such as finding love I think is fate because there are countless people on earth and to find your true sole mate is something you can't control.

  3. Jake Lerner Period 5

    I think fate is a combination of both. People use fate as an excuse for the things that they can not control, for example the weather. The notion that someones faith is predetermined is almost a saying now, who ever is saying that does not really understand that fate is something that is uncontrollable and out of his/her reach. However on the other hand fate is something you can control, but if you try and reach your goal or whatever you evasion fate as it is not called fate any more its called hard work. For example if someone wants to get into a good college they will try to get good grades in order to be able to get into the college of their choice, they are working for the goal, its not just coming to them.

  4. Austin Pollack Pd 6

    Fate is a paranormal phenomena that predetermines an event, or a course of events, that will inevitably happen in the future. Having been superstitious my whole life I do believe in fate and destiny. I don't think we have any control over the course of our lives, we are controlled by some supernatural force. Every organism on the planet has been born and will one day die. Between birth and death, I believe fate will take it's coarse over time. The choices, decisions and actions are shaped by fate. I do not believe that there is any god that gives a man his predetermined fate simply because it is illogical from my perspective. I feel like everything is out of our control, and our lives have already been made for us to follow with no reason whatsoever.

  5. Sarah Vallarelli period 6
    I believe that fate already has its path and its roads that it is going to take us down and you can't change that. But what you can change is how you handle things and how you live your life. I am a strong believe that everything happens for a reason and when one door opens more open up. Everyones paths are different and when you cross paths with other people it does not happen by accident i believe you were supposed to meet there. And if they are supposed to be in your life forever then they will and if they weren't meant to be then i think that is is under our control we just get to decide who is worth fighting to stay in our lives and who is not. The path of life gets tough but it also always gets better in the end. Fate already knows where im headed in the future i just have to live it to the fullest!

  6. Jake Bogart period 6

    I believe that we control our own lives, and that there is no supernatural force or power that controls the course of our lives and what will happen to us in the future. Though, if in any way I am wrong, and each person does have a destiny or fate, i believe that they can change that fate through the course of their actions. Maybe there is one definite outcome of the way our lives will go, but each and every action we make controls and or changes that fate, and in that case our destinies change every day. I think that it is completely unrealistic for someone to think that we have no control over what happens to us, because that makes no sense. I can go take a shower right now, and i can also not take a shower, and what happens afterwords will be determined by the choice i make, therefore, our fate is changed constantly by the choices that we make.

  7. Joanna Gonzalez pd 6
    I believe that we control our lives. I don’t believe that fate already has its path however I believe that if someone doesn’t try to change there “fate,” their path will not change in a way they want it to. Each person can change there destiny, if they want something and they work hard for it, one day they can achieve it. Each decision we make controls our fate. We have to think about what we do or say before doing it. Everyone has choices, they have opinions, answers, these components can choose your destiny. Fate is determined by what a person decides to do in their lives. Our fate can change many times, as much as we want it too.

  8. Sarah Berman - 6th period
    I believe that fate is a combination of both. There are certain things in life you can control, and certain things that you can't; things that are just bound to happen. I believe that everything happens for a reason, and those are the things you can't control, however there are ways that you can fix them, and straighten them out to make them better. If a natural disaster were to occur, you would have no control as to what the outcome were to be, but if you knew you were ill, you could do something to prevent the illness or make it go away. Certain people cross each others paths on purpose, and others it just happens by accident. Usually the accidental ones are the ones that matter the most, and those are the people that usually play an important role in your life. Therefore, this was fate, and the two people were bound to meet sometime in the future.

  9. I believe that we control our own fate because we are responsible for our actions and no one can force someone to do something that they don't want to do.We determine what's right or wrong in our lives and the decisions we make determines our fate. I don't believe that our fate is planned out for us before we are born. We have the power to our fate because we have our own opinions and rights to the path we choose to take.
    Mariana Galeano Pd. 6

  10. Grace Tobin Period 6
    I feel that a majority of the time we are the ones who set our own faith. We generally do things in life to generate our own luck and fate, such as working hard during school as well as outside of school in order to become successful. Being successful determines what we will do with our future and our occupation. However, things that we can not control also effect our fate. An example of this is an earthquake, because there is nothing we can do in order to prevent or influence this happening.

  11. I think that fate is a combination of being controlled by a higher power or our own decisions. I believe that a higher power does pave a path for each person. Whether they stay on that path or not is up to them. When people make decisions that they know are wrong I think they are taking a detour off the path. That is when we have control. A lot of things in our future can be controlled by oneself. An example can be if you want to play a college sport. Even if you aren't the best player out there you can make it. One has to work as hard as they can at that sport, work on off seasons, do strength and conditioning and put their heart into it. They can make themselves into the best player.

    sam pd 6

  12. I think you can determine your fate but at the same time you can not stop certain things that are bound to happen. Karma is an example of this, an action you do can lead to something bad happening to you, either because you get in trouble due to your action or its just fate causing you to get what you deserve.

  13. i believe fate is based on your own actions and decisions. I think we have control of our lives most of the time. I think if you work hard in life you will at some point be rewarded. Of course there are exceptions but i like to think that life is in your own hands. For example, Bill Gates worked really hard in school and became very successfull. He deserves the way he is living now becuase of his accomplishments

    Kilian period 6

  14. Olivia Hymowitz
    Period 6

    I believe that fate is controlled by everyone's own actions and also by the higher power. Fate is basically based around what you do and how you act. I think that a person can change their fate by their decisions and what they do. You can control something better more in the future then tomorrow or the next day and that is where the higher power comes in. Everything that a person does, and what happens to them happens for a reason. There are things that a person simply just can not control, but if it has to do with the person I do believe they control their fate.

  15. I believe that fate is controlled by one’s own actions and a higher power.
    The most notable example of this to me is when people have natural talent. In sports, many professional athletes were extremely talented at sports from an early age. They were most likely given natural talent and would be good at the sport, even if they didn’t practice. However, every athlete that ever played professional sports most likely had to train very hard and practice frequently. Without the extra practice, they most likely would have played in high school, or maybe college, but definitely not professional. I believe that people are given attributes that they can either take advantage of and be used to become the best that they can become, or be ignored and not improve. Therefore, the natural talent is determined from a higher power, but what is done with the talent is determined by the person.

    Steven Jacobson Period 6

  16. I believe fate is determined by either myself for example or ones actions, as in the people they hang out with, what they do, their activites. You basically deside your future and what ever is ment to happen will happen no matter what. Your fate is determined already and you can change it.

    Nicole Murphy
    Period 6

  17. I think both a higher power and oneself can help determine fate because if it wasn’t for the choices and actions we make and take then we wouldn’t have any fate. Like seen in Antigone, Creon and the gods control Antigone’s fate along with how she chooses to follow it. For example if your fate is to die at 2:03pm on a Saturday three years from now no matter what you’re doing, your going to die if its destined to happen. No matter what you do you will continue to have the same fate. But factors such as higher powers can also control your fate because if there is a certain law and you choose to go against it a judge will determine your fate (guilty or not guilty) and thus you can be in jail or a free man. Therefore your actions and higher authorities control the way your path of life will take its course.
    Toni Ann Abbatantono
    Period 1

  18. I think it is a combination on both. Some things are just predetermined before we are born like how we look and our gender. Other things are in our own hands like how we act and feel towards others. While someone may be naturaly not so kind, they still have the power to change their fate and become nicer to people. Changing your fate is a hard thing to do and is harder for some people than for others. I think if everyone could change their fate to whatever they wanted than everyone could be happy. But this is not possible since everyone has a different fate that says different things about that specific person
    jason burger period one

  19. Christina Della-Rocco period 1

    I think who determines fate is God. Everyone is born with what they're suppose too do in life, it's just a matter of taking that road or going in a different direction. No one ever really knows their fate until they're about adults. It's just their choice if they choose to take it or not. Like I said before, I do think God determines your fate, but it's all up to you. God has at least one fate where you're destined to go, destined to be, destined to do something, whatever it is, it's yours and it will always be yours. Everything happens for a reason and if that may be dying at age twenty-nine from a car crash, then you might die at age twenty-nine from a car crash. Or if you're going to win the lottery on a monday, then you might win the lottery on monday. But whatever the case may be, it's your fate and that's what it's going to be forever. But then there's the other side where some people say that you can decide your own fate. I personally don't think that's true becuase no one knows what's going to happen next or what tomorrow is going to bring, so for people to sit there and say that they can infact choose their own fate, is false(to me at least).

  20. Grant Wissak
    Period 1

    I believe fate is a bit of both, predetermined and also able to be changed by important decisions throughout life. As life moves along, there are what i like to call "key points" that define who you are as a person, and who you will be in your future. Something small might not to come back to haunt you later in your life, but a key point is something that changes that predetermined path. Take it like this... you are running a straight road until you come to the key point, and you have 2 or more options that you can take. Think of them as roads, and whichever road you takes leads to more key points and decisions. I think decision making is a very important aspect to make a good person, making good decisions can really change who you are and what you future is meant to be.

  21. Serena Takada pd1.

    I agree with Steven, there are certain aspects In people that are already determined prior to their birth. Weather it may be their athletic ability, beauty, social position or economic situation. Like Steven mentioned, some athletes are born more athletic than others or are more talented compared to others. However, it is one’s parents who determine their original social status and economic situation. Certain people may have parents who are doctors, lawyers, government officials, professional athletes or famous singers. Such people often have parents who are well respected and live prosperous and leisure times. However, a person born into a lower class family will struggle through their childhood, lacking educational opportunities, security and medical attention. Children do not choose their parents. They may be wealthy, poor, kind, neglecting, strict or lenient but the children have no control over who their parents will be. In that way, the lives of people are determined by their family, however with effort, one’s life can be improved. Like Liz Murray, one can start off homeless and end up attending Harvard.

  22. in my opinion, i believe faith is predetermined by a higher power. since i am a religiously faithful person, i believe in God who is "the creator of all things." God being the creator of all things, he decides our purpose in life and sets a plan in place, so we can fulfill that purpose. for example, lets say when i was being conceived and before i had left my mother's womb, God said this girl will walk on the moon one day, and that was my plan, it will happen one way or another. i am born and i am just starting to walk along my road of life. yes i can alter my path for a little while, encounter some cross roads, but whichever path i choose, it will lead me straight to walking on the moon. either i can make it easy on God and become and astronaut,or i can become a fashion designer and suddenly, my name is being heard all over the world and NASA is calling me to design new and improved astronaut wear! (yes it has to be space-proof!) they work with me for many years, and allow me to come up to the moon with them as a thank you. and what do you know, my path that was chosen for me has been fulfilled. yes this situation is definitely a rare one, but thats usually how it happens! no one knows! one way or another, what ever you do in life, no matter how hard you try and escape it, the road in which is customized for you will always be waiting in the end.
    period 1

  23. i believe that obviously people control their own actions and consequences, but also that everything happens for a reason. one has the power to determine which path they go down in life and short term occasions are dependent on the actions of the person. but in the long run, i believe certain things are destined to happen and that sometimes life just takes it's course. for example, if i work really hard, i will attend a good college and get a well paying job. that is completely within my control and my own actions determine where i end up in life, not a supernatural power. however, i believe certain people are bound to end up together and through some weird course of action, the world takes the upperhand and makes things happen. also, with families such as the kennedy, fate took its course and they all died terrible deaths but taught the world lessons with their impacts before they died.

  24. I believe that both higher powers and your own decisions and experiences effect your fate. Your decisions effect your fate, however restrictions or guidelines from higher powers effect your decisions. If you are to obey the law like Ismene, this will effect your fate. But, if you believe in your own morals, rather than the rules of a higher power, like Antigone, that will also effect your fate. I believe that higher powers have the power to control your fate, but you choose to follow the rules of a higher power or not. In Antigone's decision, she does not feel she should follow Creon's law, and goes by her own feelings and beliefs. In this case, Creon's law is not choosing her fate because she has decided not to follow it. However, Ismene has decided to obey Creon's law and not go by her beliefs and feelings, so Creon's decisions and laws created effect Ismene's fate.

    I think you as an individual determines your own true fate. There is just no other way to the top. You have the power to make your own decisions to benefit yourself. Just by each and every choice you make everyday will determine your future. Also i believe the actions you make conclude with consequences that you yourself determines to be dealt with since your the only one responsible. Fate is a matter of decision making by the person who's life it is since we only have the power to control that.

  26. i believe that everyone can control their own fate because you make choices hat decide how you live your life. no matter how much you think someone else controls your fate, you make decisions that govern future decisions and continue on through your life. you make you fate even if its not what you planned, everything that happens, happens because of a choice you made

  27. Haya Nesheiwat Period 6
    Fate is determined from yourself and everyone surrounding you. If your actions will impact anothers persons life, you may have just changed their fate along with your own. if a drunk driver hit another car and killed a person, the person who was killed didnt decide to be killed by a drunk driver. also, all of their family members were impacted as wel. therefore, although you may dictate your future, thoes surrounding you do as well

  28. Anshul Doshi pd. 6

    I think that fate is determined by yourself and your actions. You are not predestined by a higher power to do something but instead are left to lead your lives and determine your own future. Higher powers guide you to the right destiny but in the end your actions determine your future. Your life is not planned out but is spontaneous, where anything can happen at any time. You have the power to change your life.

  29. I believe that certain aspects of fate are determined for you. For example, if you were born into a dis-functional family, or one that is very poor, you are going to be at a much higher disadvantage then to those who were born rich, or with stable families. However, this does not mean that if you were born poor or with a hard life, you will definitely stay this way. Because of the society that we live in today, as long as you have access to public education, and you tried really hard, you could come out even more successful then those who had always been in a good financial and stable setting. This is why fate is not completely pre-determined. Much of fate depends on how you want to change it, and where you choose to invest your time and emotions. If you didn't change your fate, then you wouldn't do anything, because everything we do, and every decision we make, changes our fate. We just usually don't understand this until after the fact.

  30. I believe that people control their own lives, not some higher power. People make their own decisions and get to choose how their life will turn out. Fate is not some predetermined thing; it is the decisions that people have already made which have affected their lives as well as others. People lives are not planned out for them before they are even born. Everyone has a choice and can do whatever they want with their life.

  31. Melanie Singer
    Period 1
    I believe that fate is controlled by oneself as well as a high power. One can always change their fate or follow their own rules to succeed in any kind of task. But, if a higher power demands you to do the following, your fate or mind set may vary. For intense, if your sports coach tells you to run a play that you weren't planning on doing, that is changing the fate of the game and your placement in it possibly. But you don't always need to listen to the high power, and by rebelling against this high power leads you to have more control over your life and your fate as well as out come of a certain event.
