Blog Intructions:

Whenever you respond to a writing prompt, please be sure to include your name and class period to make CERTAIN you will recieve credit for the given assignment.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Title and Opening

1. If you have NOT yet done so, post your responses to the POST below...
2. Respond to a classmate! Tell them which opening you like better!


  1. Grant Wissak Period 1

    Michelle... I like heads held high better! It is more positive.

  2. dear morrisey

    i agree with grant about michelles title.
    My title is Ninja. I wrote my two starters on the other post

    love jason

  3. sara, i like your second opening better! its more descriptive and intriguing!
    marisa per 1

  4. Kate!

    I like your second one better because its a really descriptive metaphor!

    Olivia Hymowitz period 6

  5. I have to agree with grant

    Coon i love you

  6. Grace Tobin period 6

    Jake Bogart, I like you first opening better. "We're going to die" makes me feel a personal connection and it draws me in.

  7. Hayley Kronthal period 6

    Kate Faxon, I like you're opening "2010, a new year" because that opens up so many different possibilities you can talk about. Also I think a lot of people could relate to 2010 being a new year for them.

  8. Jake, I like your second opening more because it is a good use of figurative language.

  9. I like Austin's starter "I always get caught" because there are so many possibilities of what the vignette could be about and it draws the reader in.

    Steven Jacobson Period 6

  10. Serena Takada pd 1.

    I liked Will's "Everyone in school just lied. So bad that we lie to ourselves and don't know it." because it is intriguing and makes me consider the repercussions of lying. Did the narrator have a bad experience being lied to or lying?

  11. Devin Ullerick Pd 1

    Title: Proud to be me
    Openings: "My day had come!" and "But it was time to race."

    I liked Will's opening "Everyone in school just lied." I like it because it makes me want to keep reading to find out what the lie was. Also it sparks the readers interest and gets right to the point, as the opener is supposed to do.

  12. Jake Lerner Pd. 6

    I liked Tims second opening, unlike the first one he chose this openeing did not give away as much as the first one did: I force my way through the crowded hallway.

  13. Sarah Vallarelli period 6

    title: Any Thing Can Happen!
    dive ins: 1) Hell starts tomorrow
    2)Well summer is gone and i don't know where it went.

    Just like everyone else i loved kate's dive it! It was entertaining

  14. olivia!

    i liked the second title "my stomach is a knot" better because the story could go in any direction from there. readers will wonder why you were so nervous.

    love you!!

    kate faxon pd 1
