Blog Intructions:

Whenever you respond to a writing prompt, please be sure to include your name and class period to make CERTAIN you will recieve credit for the given assignment.

Monday, April 11, 2011

Personal Experience: Antigone

The following is a quote from Antigone. It is part of one of the Chorus’ speeches:

"For what is destined/for us, men mortal, there is no escape."

Read the quote very carefully, think about what it says, and then write a blog explaining what the quote means and whether you agree or disagree with the meaning. This should be more than a paragraph in length.

Be sure to give lots of specific examples from the play to support whatever point of view you wish to express.


  1. Michelle Loguidice
    Period 1
    To me, this quote means that your destiny is determined, and there is no escaping it. No matter the route you may take, you will always end up with the same destiny. I agree and disagree with this quote at the same time. At the end of scene III the audience discovers that Iseme, who was originally supposed to be killed because she knew of the burial of her brother, is now, not going to be killed. When the Chrous Leader asks Creon if he is going to kill the sisters, Creon says, “ No-not the one whose hands are clean” (line 882). (Creon is referring to Iseme as the one he will not kill). Iseme escaped her destiny of being killed. An example of how I agree with this quote is Antigone’s destiny was to be killed, and that has not changed. Antigone at first was supposed to die by being stoned to death, but now Creon plans to bury her alive. “…hide her in a cavern in the rocks, while still alive.” (line 885-886). Although Antigone’s route to death is different, her destiny has not changed because she is still supposed to die.

  2. Logan Epstein Period 6
    This quote means to me that each person has a set destiny, and there is no way someone can run away from it. People will always try and change their future, but there is no escaping what is planned for you. We found out even before reading Antigone, the Oedipus found out his destiny, and tried to run away from it, but it ended up happening anyways. You have no control about your destiny, you only have control on the decisions you make at that moment. Even though this wasn’t an exact quote is was a specific event/ detail that proves my point. He was meant to kill his father and marry his mother (which we think is disgusting) but that was his destiny. No matter how hard he tried to escape it, he ended up doing it in the end whether he liked it or not.

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  4. This statement means that all people have a set fate and that they will not be able to escape it no matter what they do. In addition, it represents how although some people might take their life in different directions, they will always end up at the same endpoint. I both agree and disagree with this statement. The main reason I agree with this statement is that everyone is going to die and have an end to their life. Although sometimes people try to do things to make their life longer, it is inevitable that they will die. However, I also disagree with this statement because some people are able o change the way in which they live their lives. For example, Antigone had a choice to give a proper burial to her brother. If she had not done so, and instead followed the laws of the land, she would not be killed so early by the king. However, she made the decision to bury her brother and received a punishment of death as a result. Also, Ismene’s fate was changed by the king when he decided not to kill her. This is evident when he replies to the chorus’s question of who he will kill by saying, “No-not the one whose hands are clean.” (line 882). In this case, he is referring to Ismene because she did nothing that was against his rules and therefore should not be killed. Both Ismene and Antigone had there fates changed in this story so far, which disproves the statement made by the chorus.

    Steven Jacobson Period 6

  5. Christina Della-Rocco period 1

    I think this quote is saying that no one can choose their own destiny. Sure people can change the path of life they want to take, but whatever God has instore for them, is what they're going to end up with. People always want things to go their way and what they think but that might not always be the case. When we were learning about Oedious before we started reading Antigone, he found out what he was destined to do before it even happened. In the end, Oedipus ended up killing his father and marrying his mother, which the lady told him he would do. He still didn't believe her, but it happened and there was nothing he could have done to prevent that. So I just think that people can't always choose their own destiny, even if it's already planned out. What's meant to happen to meant to happen.

  6. Hayley Kronthal period 6

    This quote represents that every one has a predetermined destiny and way of life. This means, no matter what you cannot change your fate even if you try for example, even when Oedipus tried to change his horrible fate, of killing his father and sleeping with his mother by running away from them, he still ends up doing every thing he was destined to do. I agree and disagree with this quote, the reason being is because sometimes I think that you can change your fate, for example if someone was born into a poor family and did not receive a proper education that does not mean they will not become successful. If they strived to do so they can change their fate! Likewise Antigone was born into a wealthy family and could have lived a nice happy life, however she choice to disobey the land of the law and follow her heart by giving her dead brother a proper burial. By doing so she drastically changed her fate when Creon decided to kill her. " Don't speak of her being here. Her life is over." (Line 650) On the other hand every one goes through the same cycle, from birth to middle ages and getting older then dying. We can’t prevent death, but we can set our own faith before it.

  7. Grant Wissak
    Period 1

    This quote is talking about fate, and how there is no escape from it. Whatever path is set for you since the day you were born, are not escapable and there is nothing you can do but just live your life. I disagree with the chorus, or audience in this case because there is definitely a decision making process that goes along with this so called "fate" you don't just go out and live your life everyday without any options. There is always a key point, where you make a crucial decision that can change the path of your life forever. Even small little decisions can change your life. A person's life is not destined in one pathway with no decision making process interfered. I bet Antigone didn't know one day that she wouldn't have known she would be illegally burying her brother, and her sister would back her up like she did. There are different options in life, and choosing the right "pathway" can determine your future in a positive or negative way.

  8. Melanie Singer
    Period 1
    This quote seems to be stating that as long as we are alive, fate will always follow us and we can not escape from it. I would have to disagree with this statement including fate may come once in a while but there are certain moments in life when all you need is a little fate for something to happen the way it should but then a dramatic turning point may arise, changing your fate. Also you can escape fate. If something is going to happen that you are aware of, you can change the way it may happen, leaving you to decide your fate and the next step in life. It does not stick with you every second of the day and although it is there sometimes, you can run away from fate and change it too. Relating this to the book, Antigone's fate could have possibly been to be killed due to her actions when she buried her dead brother with out the kings approval. But with a change in action due to a fellow Thiebs member, Creon the king changed his mind leaving Antigone to live on and not have her fate follow her at this moment. Finally, by changing ones fate, such as Antigone's, the fate that was following her may change and lead her to make other actions in her life. Therefore, fate may always follow you but change dramatically through life.

  9. this quote in my opinion, means that as long as there is man on earth, and that specific person is living, we can not escape our fate. i agree with this quote because it shares very similar beliefs that i do in life, as said in my previous blog. to me, before your alive God determines your fate and/or purpose in life. you can do what ever you want in life, but it will always lead you to what you are destined to be\have. even though fate is not there every single second of your life, for example if someone sneezes, but you can count on it that it will be there for a mile stone in someones life or a big decision. a way that Antigone supports my opinion is when Antigone is supposed to be killed. at first, she was going to be stoned to death, but in the end, she will be buried alive. (85-86) here, her destiny was to be killed which was going to happen one way or another.

  10. To me this quote means that your fate is already planned out and waiting for you to experience it. It's saying you can't change what is going to happen because "there is no escape" from it. I believe with this quote because what is supposed to happen will happen when it needs to happen. I believe you should never look back on something and say that wasn't supposed to happen because when one door closes another opens. An example of this is Antigone is when Antigone is fighting with Creon telling him that she is okay with dying. She would probably agree with this quote because she explains that if this is her time to die then so be it. If the Gods want her now then they she must go because they already decided when she is going to die. She also doesn't regret what she did because she believes her morals are right and everything she did was for a reason and was meant to happen.

  11. I think that this quote means that everyone hs a set fate and that there is nothing anyone can do to escape it. No matter how hard you try you can not change your destiny or prevent it from happening. I do not agree with this quote because I don't believe that peoples lives are already set for them. I believe that everyone has a choice and gets to determine their own fate. The decisions that people make everyday are what ultimatley affect their "fate" as well as the fates of others around them. In the play Antigone chose her own fate when she decided to break the law and bury her brother. In choosing to do this Antigone changed her fate by sentencing herself to death for breaking Creons law. Antiogones decisions were her own, not something she was destined to do. People make their own chooses in life which are decided by themselves, not their destiny which was already created before they were born. Peoples fates are always changing throughout their lives due to the many decisions they are allowed to make.

  12. Sarah Berman - Period 6
    I believe that this quote means that ones destiny is already decided for you, and there are certain things that you cannot change or get away from. There is a path made for you to follow, and everything is designed to happen for a reason, and that there are certain things that you can't escape. Some people may do everything correctly, or take a path other then the one they planned, but no matter what the circumstances are, they will end up with the destiny that was previously decided. I both agree and disagree with this quote. I disagree with this quote because originally, Isme, Antigones sister, was also supposed to be killed because she also knew of Polynecis' death, but Creon changed his mind, and decided that he was only going to kill Antigone. Isme therefore escaped her destiny I agree with this quote because Antigones destiny remained the same because since the beginning she was supposed to be killed, and still is going to be killed. Her destiny hasn't changed, and is still going through the same path that she was going down originally.

  13. this quotation means that man has fate set for him and that he has no way of changing that fate, i disagree. i believe that man has fate put in front of him, yet he has a chance to change his life and choose a different path. fate is a choice that can change due to the choices you choose

  14. I strongly disagree that our fates are set and the is no escape, which is what the quote is saying. If our course in life was set in stone why are we able to make decisions?

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. jason p1

    This quote means that men are not in controll of their own fate or destiny. This is somewhat true since we make choices everyday that effect what we will be. These chices define who we are and have nothing to do with destiny. On the other hand, our fates are decided by the cosmos before we are even born. This means that we also have a lack of controll in what will happen to us as people. This reminds me of Harry Potter in the 5th movie where he finds out that there is a prophecy that he will kill voldemort or voldemort will kill him. However he has a say in his destiny and may be able to controll it towards his advantage. This is what I believe every human has, the ability to controll the destiny that they are given. Also like in Antigone, she didn't have to bury the body but she chose to. And Oedipus chose to kill another king and jocasta chose to abandon her baby. These choices led to the death of the king and Oedipus marrying his mother. Antigone didn't have to die, she chose a series of actions which eventually led to her death sentence. Therefore, I somewhat agree with the quote.

  17. Olivia Hymowitz
    Period 6

    In my opinion this quote is saying that fate/destiny is already planned in your life. Some of which is set for life and not able to change and even if you try you cant change it or get away from it. Also it is following what you believe in. I agree with this quote. I believe that everything happens for a reason, and that is your fate. For example, Antigone brother died and she wanted to do a proper burial for him. When she did it she got caught by Creon and Creon's orders were to kill Antigone. She is accepting the consequences because she did what she believed is right for her and her family. I also disagree with this quote because I do feel that people can change their fate even if its meant to happen. This is by changing their actions. For example in Antigone, Creon was originally going to kill both Antigone and Ismene for the burial but then he only decided to kill Antigone. Creon's actions changed Ismene's fate.

  18. Austin Pollack Pd 6
    This quote introduces the idea that every man has a predetermined destiny that will eventually be fulfilled. i agree with this quote, I believe we have no control over our destiny and that fate will take us as far as we are supposed to go in life. The story of Oedipus supports this quote as well. Oedipus, who was destined to kill his father and marry his mother, fulfilled his destiny, despite being hidden from it. Similarly, in the Harry Potter series, Harry is told that he is the chosen one. Over the years, he finds that it is his destiny to kill the dark lord, Voldemort. Harry eventually fulfills his destiny and destroys Voldemort. However, most people do not support this idea because some people like to believe that they are in complete control of their lives and where they will go. I do believe that everyone has a destiny, good and bad, that we will each eventually fulfill.

  19. Serena Takada pd.1

    The chorus explains how there are certain aspects of life that are decided and cannot be changed by those living the life. I agree one cannot choose what circumstances they will live under. However, with effort, one had the power to change their destiny by perhaps studying hard to become a scientist. Therefore I disagree with the quote because there are possible changes that can be made to the circumstances of people’s lives. For instance, in the Percy Jackson series, the oracle presents prophecies to the half-blood children. For example, the prophecy mentioned throughout the series, “A Half-Blood of the eldest gods shall reach sixteen against all odds And see the world in endless sleep The hero's soul, cursed blade shall reap A single choice shall end his days Olympus to preserve or raze.” Such destinies can be interpreted a different way so when it comes to determining whether a certain event occurred by fate is arguable. Once one’s undesired future is foretold, one can work hard to assure the prophecy does not come true. In the Percy Jackson series, the children of the big three gods are cautiously monitored that so they don’t ultimately take over Olympus and set a terrible monarch in place. However, one of the children of the big Three Gods may ultimately save Olympus. Whichever way one may interpret the prophecy, the power of changing the ultimate fate of the people mentioned in the prophecy depends on what actions people take to prevent unwanted events.

  20. Devin Ullerick Pd 1

    This quote means that whatever is predestined for someone that's set in stone. Therefore no matter what someone does to avoid their fate they can't and someday that will end up happening. I don't agree with this statement because I believe that everyone can be who they want to be, even if they were meant to become no body's, they can be a doctor if they wanted to. One example of this in Antigone is when Polyneices dies and is fated to not be buried as expressed through the King, yet Antigone goes against his fate to bury him since he's her brother. However I can also agree with this quote because Antigone accepts her fate of dying because of burying her brother and therefore accepts her execution at the cost of keeping faithful to her blood more than her citizenship. However I still believe that this quote is wrong, since I much think everyone should have a say in their own future.

  21. Anshul Doshi pd. 6

    Antigone's clearly shows that she believes in fate and she is predestined to do something with no escape. Her destiny is set and she can not escape it. I disagree. People are able to change what happens in their future based on their actions. Though Antigone feels that she can not escape death that awaits her for burying her brother, Haemons foreshadowing in scene III seems to suggest otherwise. As clues in the story like her punishment to be stuck in a cave hint, that Antigone may be able to get out of this predicament alive. Her future or destiny is not set in stone but is subject to change.

  22. This quote means that there are things in this universe that people can’t change and I will both agree and disagree with that statement. The part where I agree is when people are born there are certain attributes that they have no control over. For example if there is one person who is very gifted at baseball than that person will be better at baseball than others and have a natural advantage over the others, another person who tries really hard to be good at baseball but can’t get good because of his athletic ability. The same is true with Oedipus, he was born with the curse of killing his father and marrying his mother, no matter how hard he tried to avoid the fate he ended up killing his biological father and marrying his mother unbeknown to him.
    The part that I disagree with is that there is some stuff that is destined to us that we do have control over. For example if I was told I would run a six-minute mile and I only ran a seven and a half minute mile I could continue to train and I might eventually get to the prediction. However if I didn’t train then I would never get to the prediction and that part is under my control of destiny. In Antigone Creon felt that it was destiny for Antigone’s brother to never be buried but Antigone buried him and so destiny was dodged.

    Tyler Hart pd 6

  23. to me, this quote means that one's destiny is predetermined and it cannot be escaped, regardless of how much the person tries to run away from it. people are born with their destinies and that cannot be altered because a greater being chooses everyone's fate. i agree and disagree with this quote. for example, oedipus finds out his destiny is to kill his father and marry his mother. he desperately tries to escape this ominous fate he is headed towards, yet it is impossible to change your own fate. however, people's decisions can change the fate of others. for example, creon's decision to kill antigone and not ismene changes ismene's life and fate forever. her life could have been entirely different if creon had been in an angrier, less forgiving mood and decided to stone her to death as well. fate is an unpredictable thing and people never know how it is going to play out.

    kate faxon pd 1

  24. Jake Lerner period 5

    I feel that the meaning of the quote is that someones destiny is predetermined by a higher power, in the ancient Greek culture these would be the gods. Although the quote does bare some truth, I do not completely agree with the message that it conveys. For the ancient Greeks it must have been comforting to have meaning for the things in life that could not be explained. Both Antigone and Creon believe in the existence of the gods but they differ in how they feel that the gods and religion should play in evers ay life. Their views are similar in that they think that some part if their life is set up to fate, just like Oedipus who was fated to kill his father and marry his mother and no matter how hard he tried to avoid his fate, he ended up doing what he was avoiding to to do in the long run. Unlike what the chorus says, I do believe that there is an "escape" from fate in that you can decide wether or not you want something to happpen for example deciding not to marry someone even though others say that the two were "meant for each other" defying a prearranged marriage is another example of not going along with fate.

  25. Joanna G pd6
    This statement means that people have a fate set up already and they wont be able to escape it. There is no way out of there fate. People can take different pathways but in the end there fate will come true. I both agree and disagree to this statement because I believe that everyone is born with a fate but if they don’t like it there are ways to change it. Everyone has a ending fate which is were all humans and we will take our last breath one day which means everyone dies. Everything that is alive eventually dies but if a fate is set during our years of how our lives are going to be, this can change. We are able to control our lives the way we want it to. Every decision sets our fate. For example, Antigone had a choice between letting her brother get eaten by animals or do a proper burial for him. If she didn’t do anything, she would not be in a dispute with Creon. But her decision set her fate which is to die. She decides that’s family morals are more important than man made laws. If we want our lives to go certain ways, it can if we give it our all.

  26. Ottavio Lepore Pd 1
    This quote means that every man has a set destiny and through the course of his life these events will unfold, and that no man even the man making the decision will be able to change this. There is no escape to the insanity of fate and no one can rearrange or change the events that will happen in one's life. I agree with this because even when things dont go the way we want them to they turn out good for another person or they lead to another event whcih is better in that man's life or to another man. Whichever the case may be man is not able to chage his fate and what happens is through the course of it.

  27. Nicole Golino
    period 6
    This quote means that whatever your fate is, is what is destined to happen to you, you can not escape it or stop it from happening, no matter how hard you try what is destined to happen is going to somehow come to you. You can not decide what your own fate will be because the gods already have it all planned out for you. I disagree with this quote, I think you can control what happens to you. If something happens i believe that it happened because you caused it not because the gods had it planned out.
    Although the book Antigone likes to demonstrate how important fate is especially when the fortune telling told Oedipus that he was destined to kill his father and marry his mother and that is what happened, I still do not believe it is true. I think it is more realistic in scenes where Antigone has a choice whether she could give her brother the proper burial or not, that will lead to what will happen to her. Her choice will cause future events not her fate.

  28. To me, this quote means that every single human being has a set destiny and that it cannot change due to the fact that it is already chosen. Also it means that you or anything else can't change what is in store for your future, and it is determined by a higher power. But from my perspective and personal experiences, i would strongly disagree with this. One thing for sure is that you yourself determines your fate because only you has the power to make strong decisions that will greatly impact your destiny. It is not up to anyone else, it is your life and you choose to live it the way you want. But as seen in Antigone, Oedipus's destiny was he was to kill his father and marry his mother, but he couldnt run from this and was left with it. This seems far too unrealistic and unlikey to happen. Everything happens for a reason, but as an individual, you choose your own reasons to live.

  29. Basically it means no matter who you are and where your from your still the same as everyone else. Your fate will always be with you and it will come true if its meant to be no matter what. We can't escape our fate no matter how we try it's bound to happen if it's meant to happen. I agree with this meaning because, fate is something that can't be altered and changed. Fate usually is there from the moment your born to the moment you die, any actions in between are a part of your fate. For example Romeo and Juliet are destined to be lovers. Their fate is to be together and when they die that is exactly what happened, they died together.
    Toni Ann Abbatantono per 1

  30. In my opinion, this quote mean that fate cannot be changed. Fate is something that is predetermined by a higher power and no matter how hard one tries, fate will not be changed. In the movie, "Serendipity" a couple was convinced that they were meant to be. Even being split up for 5 years they somehow met again spontaneously. There was no escaping that they would be at the same place, at the same time and end up being together. I believe that in the play Antigione, Antigione thought that Ismene should not be punished for a crime that she was not involved with. Ismene was not meant to die and that was supported when Creon decided not to kill her. Antigione's fate might be death since Creon's idea is that she should starve in a cave alone.

    Sam Guarnero pd 6

  31. this quote means that everyone has a set future and there is nothing you can do to change it. Your fate is decided the moment you set foot on this earth. I completely disagree with this statement. More often than not we dictate our future by what we do in the present. There are always exceptions but the fact of the matter is that u work hard, i will probably be rewarded later on in life. In Antigone;s situation, she is saying Ismene should not be faced with any punishment and that her(antigone's)fate is that she will die.

  32. Haya Nesheiwat
    Period 6
    This blog means that no matter what is destined for us, we cant change it no matter how hard we try to warp it. in antigone, oedipus couldnt change his destiny although his parents and he himseldf tried to change it, it was still destined for him. i believe that this is true and if we are trying to prevent something from happening, its pre expected and theres already a new route to getting to that original fate. i believe step by step may not be the same as the original but in the end, our last action of fate has already been decided and thats how our lives will end.

  33. Haya Nesheiwat
    Period 6
    This blog means that no matter what is destined for us, we cant change it no matter how hard we try to warp it. in antigone, oedipus couldnt change his destiny although his parents and he himseldf tried to change it, it was still destined for him. i believe that this is true and if we are trying to prevent something from happening, its pre expected and theres already a new route to getting to that original fate. i believe step by step may not be the same as the original but in the end, our last action of fate has already been decided and thats how our lives will end.
