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Thursday, April 28, 2011

Hamlet Production: Respond to ALL 3 components


I. Which actor stood out most in your mind (for either a good or a bad performance)? Again tell why and be specific. Do not make personal attacks on the actors for faults of the script and/or production.

II. Consider EACH of the visual/aural elements of the play (set, costumes, lighting, sound). How did they affect your appreciation of the play? Discuss the characters' costumes in terms of how they were reflections of the characters' personalities. Discuss the set/lighting as to how each served the play. Discuss the use of sound in the performance (don't forget pre-show wind!). Sound means SOUND EFFECTS, not whether or not you could hear the actors (although you can comment on that in section III).

III. As a whole, how would you rate this play? Use the time-honored method of giving it stars. From four stars as the highest rating to no stars for a real stinkeroo. Answer the following questions concerning the production as a whole:
~What does the play have to say about people, relationships, human nature?
~What did I learn about the theatre from this production?
~Was the play entertaining?


  1. one- in my opinion, the actor that stood out to me the most was the character of Ophelia and Hamlet because of their good performance. they really got into their characters and when they either had to get mad, go insane, or just be loud they did it with everything they had. they weren't afraid to go big and fully become Ophelia or Hamlet.

    two-as for the lighting and sound, that was perfect. not only did the characters speak loudly, but their equipment was a very good quality. lights were bright, so everything was clear. as for the set, that was okay. it looked like a 1-2-3 thing that required no effort and it wasn't very eye-catching or appealing. i know in a play, changing sets can be difficult and time consuming, but a more complex set would of been better. Costumes were okay as well. but, i did like Gertrude's outfit! all these aspects affected my appreciation for the play in a positive way. the production came to a high school to perform a play most kids wont listen to. i give them a lot of respect for that, and since kids can be mean, they'll never know what kind of feedback they'll be receiving from the audience. for the props and costumes, if they were performing more professionally i think they would kick everything up a notch.

    three- out of 4 stars, i would rate this play a 3. i liked how the actors threw in a lot of humor and i especially liked the scene when Hamlet put on the play for his Uncle and his Mother. the behind the curtain effect with the bright light and colorful wooden props really made that scene memorable. another reason i did 3 stars was because the actors spoke very fast using big words and some what old time language so it was difficult to comprehend what they were saying at times. concerning the play as a whole though, the play was relevant to people and relationships because the play kind of teaches the viewers not to trust anyone. today, thats the case as well. "you never know who you can trust." what common line. trust is a strong aspect of life that cant be messed with and that is evident in the play Hamlet. from the production, i learned that acting is not easy, and it takes a lot of courage to get up on stage in front of many teenagers or anyone and perform something no matter how embarrassing the scene is or what the actor/actress really feels inside about the part. the play was entertaining because of the humor that was put in and the sword fighting , and dialogues. i disliked the monologues, those are always boring, even though they are a crucial part to creating an understandable play. Over all, the cast did an amazing job portraying their interpretation of Shakespeare's tragedy; Hamlet.

  2. Grant Wissak
    Period 1

    Hamlet stood out in my mind because he performed his character very well.
    I liked his character the most because he was easiest to connect to. The fact that he was very teen like, i would imagine it would be very easy to connect with him for other teens as well. The fact that he had an ipod towards the beginning of the play and his anger towards also made it easy to connect with him. I though the set was very interesting, the curtains were nice because depending on the seat you had, you could see who was behind each one and sometimes you were left in mystery. I thought the sound affects were really great, they added a new element to the play, and almost all the actors projected there voices very well. I would give this play a 3 1/2 stars, it was really good with a lot of emotion and different acting styles of each actor. The play is saying that in life you need to have someone you can actually trust, or you are all out there on your own. I learned that Shakespeare are often actors favorite plays to perform because all the views taken out of it. The play was very entertaining, i enjoyed it very much.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. For me, the actress who played Horatio and Ophelia stood out the most. I believe it is a great accomplishment for somebody to be able to perform two parts in one play as well as she did. She differentiated between the two parts so well that I did not even realize the common actress.

    The visual and aural components of the play helped the audience understand the mood of each scene as well as the characteristics of the characters. For example, one may hear blowing winds and see red curtains when the ghost of King Hamlet appeared. The wind creates a mysterious mood and the red curtains indicate the old reign of King Hamlet. Also, contrary to the red curtains of King Hamlet’s reign, the curtains of King Claudius’ reign were gray, like all the other dark colored costumes that characters wore during his reign. The different costumes the characters wore reflected the personalities of the characters well. Younger characters such as Prince Hamlet and Laertes wore jeans while older characters such as King Claudius and Fortinbras wore nicer pants. I also found it very interesting how unfit the costumes were for the actual setting of the story, Prince Hamlet wearing a sweater, yet all characters were wearing white button down shirts underneath. They seemed to maintain some historical aspects of the play while modernizing a few parts.

    I would give the performance a four out of four because I genuinely enjoyed their production of hamlet. While maintaining accuracy with the original text, they also added a lot of humor to the piece. I think it was the humor that popped up every once in a while that really made the performance excellent. The play portrays the way of how people react to death. Ophelia, drowning herself after the news of her father’s death, Laertes, attempting to kill King Claudius and Prince Hamlet who considers suicide as well as killing King Claudius. The performance also conveys how relationships between people can be broken as easily as they were created. Prince Hamlet, after the death of his father becomes very pessimistic towards women. He ends his relationship with Ophelia and treats her with no respect, then yells at his own mother for marrying King Claudius, separating the two very much. The performance also depicted how it is natural for people to seek revenge. Prince Hamlet sought revenge from King Claudius, as he killed his father, King Hamlet. Likewise, Laertes sought revenge on Prince Hamlet for stabbing his father to death. From this play, I learned the job of the actors are not just to entertain the audience, but it is also their responsibility to convey a message or lesson that would change the lives of each member of the audience.

  5. Toni Ann Abbatantono per 1
    I. If I were to say which actor stood out the most I think it’d be a hard choice. I think all characters were played by perfect actors. And what seemed to be awesome was that after the play was over you got a sense of the actor’s real personality when they were asked questions and none of them were really “exactly like their character” so that takes real talent to portray something they weren’t. They really did an awesome job.

    II. I think that the play as a whole visually was simple. I think though in this circumstance, it was okay for it to be as simple as it was. There wasn’t a need to have the complete set; you don’t need a castle to create the feeling of one. I felt the actors did a good job moving around the “walls” and though at times I wished they moved on their own, I was still happy with the outcome. It made me appreciate the play a lot more because after all, Shakespeare’s production of it when it first came out wasn’t at all as developed as plays are today. Obviously there were no special effects and giant structures but plays were put on to be appealing they were put on to tell a story and that’s exactly what it did.

    III. I think it deserves a 4 star rating. I think to begin with is a beautiful written play and maybe if anything through its more modern translation it may have lost some meaning but overall it still got the major point across. I learned to be in theatre it takes guts and self-confidence. You basically throw your self out there to be judged by a crowd of people. I think the play was hands down nothing but entertaining. It was an awesome experience and I felt as if it was cool to do but it may have been better after we read the book though at least now I have some background knowledge as we step deeper into Hamlet.

  6. Melanie Singer
    Period 1
    I. I thought that Hamlet stood out the most in my opinion because he had a lot of enthusiasm and played a very good role in the play.

    II. Including it was not a huge play; the settings for the backgrounds were not that good and you couldn’t exactly get the feel for the area they were living in during the Hamlet play. But I thought that the way each character was dresses symbolized the way that they acted. Such as Hamlet that wore a hoodie, that could show that he was tough and ready for anything. As for Ophelia who seemed to wear clothing as if she was in a hospital gown as she was going insane after her father past away. Also at moments such as when Hamlet was talking to the ghost of his dead father and there was high winds whistling in the air, it made the scene better by adding a dramatic affect of fear into it.

    II. I would give this production three stars. This play expressed how revenge of ones enemy really does not solve much in the end. Instead of fighting over the subject talking it out may work better and how people sometimes seem to be a bit selfish. By watching this play I learned that the actors must need to practice long hours each day to get all the lines down perfectly including Shakespeare’s language isn’t too easy to follow. Finally, I thought the play was all right. The actors were not amazing but you could tell they were trying hard to attract our attention by making certain scenes funny and interesting to watch.

  7. from my opinion, ophelia and hamlet played a very good role that clearly represented their characters personality's. They used great voice, tone, and posture to portray this.

    the visual representations and decorations of the play made it seem more entertaining to watch and easier to take in consideration. It helped me actually think it was a real story and the scenery made it very helpful

    As a whole, i would give the play a good rating considering it was on a school stage. The actors did a very good job portraying each character and made it very entertaining to watch and it didnt bore me. Their skits and scenes were highly accurate of what really happened in hamlet.

  8. Hayley Kronthal period 6

    1. The actor that stood out in my mind the most was Hamlet because he grasped my attention from minute one. Having read the background of the play before hand I think that he did a good job in portraying Hamlets actions as well as his emotions.

    2. The costumes in the play were not what I was expecting. This is because I thought of the cloths as more old fashion, the characters outfit that stood out the most to me was Hamlets because he was dressed in the most modern cloths, a sweatshirt and jeans. This added even more to his character because of the way he was acting, like a depressed, troublemaking teenager. The colors of his cloths were dark like his mood through out the play. As for the setting of the play, I did not understand what the props in the background were for. Some of them were gray and others white. I realized that they moved them around when the characters were either outside or in a room but I think that they could have gotten better props. The sound effects were good, because when they were outside I would have never known without the sound of the wind blowing. I thought the lighting was good because it would get darker when the characters were outside and lighter when they moved inside and I could see the stage even from the back of the auditorium.

    3. Overall I liked the story line of Hamlet and thought it was a good play. However at times it could get a little tedious to watch, the actors did a good job in keeping my attention with the jokes they added in. The play shows that everyone wants revenge and the only way to do it is to kill the person that you want revenge on. What I learned from this play was a good way to in fluctuate my voice when I want something to sound dramatic. Out of 5 I would give this play a 3!

  9. Austin Pollack
    Pd. 6

    1. My personal favorite, was the actor who played Hamlet. He was the most liveliest and played his part really well. Reading up on the play kind of helped to portray the different characters and what happened in the play.

    2. The costumes in the play were surprising to say the least. I would have thought that the attire would be more formal. Hamlet's outfit stood out most because he had a modern attire, example he was wearing jeans and a sweatshirt. He was portrayed as a troubled teenager facing depression. He had darker shaded clothes representing his personality as a darker human being. The props in the background were used as doors, curtains and hallways. The props were good because their were no intense props needed, these ones were easily transportable. I liked the sound effects because they were on cue and fit the scenes. The lighting was good because it got darker when the characters were outside and lighter when they moved inside.

    3. I thought Hamlet was a fantastic play. The actors kept my attention with some of the humor added in and the touch of modern society. The tragedy demonstrates human hatred and whether we are what we think we truly are. I didn't really learn anything through watching the play. I would give this a 4 out of 5.

  10. 1. In my mind, the character that stood out the most to me was Hamlet because he performed his role very well, and after reading some background information about him, I was able to understand who he was and what type of role he was really supposed to portray.

    2. I think that some of the visual elements such as the costumes were good, but the set wasn't my favorite. I feel like they didn't put very much effort into creating a set that really followed along with the plot of the play. The little carpet hanging things were really all that were used as sets, and yes i understand that creating different sets for each scene may be very difficult, but there could have been some more changes. The costumes on the other hand, I believe reflected what type of person each character was. The lighting of the show was very good because as the scene changed the lighting changed.

    3. I thought that this play was pretty good and I would probably rate it a 3 1/2. I like how they modernized it, yet kept it old fashioned. The modernization was good because it allowed us as an audience to be able to more closely relate to it and understand it. The play demonstrated the hatred of people toward one another, and how one event in someone's life can potentially ruin many others. The fact that the actors were really able to get into their character made the play very interesting and enjoyable and also really helped to understand the play.

  11. Logan Epstein Period 6

    In my opinion, the character that stood out the most to be was Ophelia. She was able to play two different roles, and for each of her characters portrayed them so differently that you thought it was two different actors who were playing the role. I also thought Hamlet was really committed to his role and got really into character which was reflected a lot throughout the play.
    I thought the staging was really good. They barely had different sets except the the 5 things they moved which made it seem like they had real live sets. The way to staged them and incorporated them was excellent. As for the sound effects, it was perfect. They included them at the perfect times and it was soft enough to hear the actors but also hear the exact sound that it was making. The costumes reflected each other the characters very well. The clothing was old fashion which represented the time period they were in.
    I would give this play a 3 out of 4 stars. We all know what happens in the play but they made it funny and enjoyable to watch. The said lines that related to what teenagers say. But the reason I dont give it 4 stars was because in certain parts I couldnt understand what they were saying, which made me confused. But overall, I really enjoyed the play!

  12. Sarah Vallarelli period 6
    1. Hamlet stood out the most to me during the play because he portrayed his anger and his emotions very well. I could tell that he was upset and hurt by his mother and angry at the same time and because he was feeling all these emotions he acted drastically and started talking to ghosts.
    2. The set was kind of confusing because they were always moving around the “walls” and turning them around and sometimes I got confused as to which was a wall or which was a door. But on the other hand the characters costumes matched their character perfectly because hamlet isn’t a price who is all about money so he was dressed sort of layed back but his mother is all about money so she was wearing a fancy dress and nice shoes. The lighting helped detect the time of day and when it was dark it also made the scene a little more scary. The sounds also helped me get a better sense when was going on. When Hamlet was talking to the ghost there was wind noises and to go along with that the walls were shaking.
    3.I give this play a 4. The people portrayed the characters really well and even though they did condense it the got the plot line across as well as some of the messages in the actual story of hamlet. The play said a lot about people being greedy and doing what ever it takes to have power. Hamlets mother married her husband’s brother after her husband dies because she does not want to lose her status as queen. Also hamlets uncle wants to kill him because he does not want to have to give his power over to Hamlet. The one thing that really caught my eye was how loud the actors have to project their voices to get a really nice voice. I really liked the play because not only did it explain hamlet in a non confusing way but it also had some humor to it.

  13. Haya Nesheiwat
    Period 6
    1) my favorite actor who stood out the most would be that who played Hamlet. he was very lively but modern so we could understand his situation from his perspective rather than an audience. when he was mocking polonius, he was very intreeging because he made us, as the audience want to listen more and kept us on the edge of our seats.
    2) Hamlets coustumes were very modern and sluggish like himself, very lazy and disoriented. Hamlets uncle was very descrete in his acting and tried to be very innocent which came out in his costumes that were very intact with his role.
    3) i would rate the play four stars because of the way it captured the audience to teach us the lesson that nobody should take life for granted, but also nobody should be greedy from what they have. Hamlets uncle was greedy and left him dead, Hamlet took advantage of his royalty and his power by mocking everyone also leaving him dead.

  14. Olivia Hymowitz
    Period 6

    1) The character that stood out to me the most in the play was Hamlet. I felt that he really connected with his character the best. When he was acting I really felt that I knew what was going on especially by his emotions while acting.
    2) The costumes in this play really helped the change in character if one person played two parts. The characters costumes matched their personalities to who they were in the play. The more formal people such as Ophelia and the mother were very fancy, as to the more "layed back" people were not as fancy such as Hamlet. The lighting and the sound of the play was a good addition because it reflected what was going on at the time. For example, if they were outside it was a darker lighting and they had the sound of the wind in the background. Those two components made me picture what was going on a lot better. The only confusing part was the set. I didn't really understand what they were moving around. Sometimes the curtains acted like walls to hide people from the stage. Also when they got moved around I did not really understand that part either.
    3) I would give this play 3 stars. I thought some parts could have been more put together then others in the way to attract peoples attention and also have the audience understand what is going on. Other then that I thought it did really well. The characters really stood out with who they are supposed to be. I think this play shows a little bit of greediness because of the mother who married her husbands brother after he died. Over all I enjoyed watching the play because it was interesting to watch. Also it will help me understand what is going on in the play when we read it in class!

  15. 1) The actor that stood out the most in my mind was the person who played hamlet. He was very immersed in his role and expressed great emotion at the right parts. I felt that he did a very good job and stood out because of that.
    2) I felt that the characters costumes were interesting because the king and queen were wearing clothes appropriate for the time period along with Ophelia and Horatio. Hamlet however was wearing a sweatshirt and jeans, which was interesting. I didn’t really understand what the point of the tapestries was but the lighting was good and enhanced the overall production of the play.
    3) I would give the play three stars because I felt that the production was good but it had something missing that made it stand out to me as really memorable. The play shows how people are always power hungry and will do anything to gain real power. I learned that when you watch a play it might be abridged due to time or who the audience is which was the case for this play. The play was entertaining at times and boring at others which is true of almost every production.

    tyler hart pd 6

  16. Joanna Gonzalez Period 6
    The character that stood out the most from the play was Ophelia. Trying to portray two characters must have been difficult but throughout the play she accomplished the parts. I was able to differentiate between the characters when she changed into them. I was able to follow her character and understand which one she was at the moment.
    The visual and aural of the play helped me to understand the environment and mood was suppose to be. The wind was suppose to indicate a mysterious environment. The visual also helped me understand the characters. When King Hamlet appeared the curtains were changed. The dark colored curtains indicated that Claudus was a mean person and did something wrong. The different costumes helped me to understand the personality of the characters. For example, Hamlet wore clothes that were sweater and jeans, it states that he was a leaned back person and didn’t care about much.
    I would give the performance a 3 out of 4. I enjoyed their production because they put some humor in it but there were moments where I was confused and didn’t enojy it. But they did an exellent job in portraying the story. It helped me understand that revenge on ones enemy doesn’t end up how you wanted to. The actors seemed to know there lines but during the questioning “Ophelia” admitted to skipping her lines and adding lines that were cut out. It must have been hard to remember 2 characters lines. I liked the play but it seemed in some parts they were forcing it and I lost interest.

  17. 1. In my opinion the actor of Hamlet stood out the most. This is because i thought he really put himself into the character. I did not feel that I was watching a student perform a play but I felt as if i was watching the Hamlet that Shakespeare wished to convey to his audience.

    2. One part of the costumes that stuck out was when Hamlet first stepped on stage his mother pulled out earphones. This was the schools way of putting a spin on the play. It made the play seem to be more of something that happened a week ago rather than a few hundred years ago. Also Hamlet's costume helped to explain himself. He looked rugged and like he was very driven to get what he wanted. Which he did, throughout the play he never gave up on what he set out to do.

    3. I would rate this play a four because I think it was a creative way to convey Hamlet to the audience. This play shows that relationships may change when power is involved. Power caused the kings brother to poison him and then marry his wife. Power caused him to change the relationship between Hamlet and his mother. I learned that people use theatre to convey many different messages in a creative way. People can express themselves and step out of their comfort zone to display the bigger picture. I thought the play was very entertaining and I enjoyed it a lot

    Samantha pd 6

  18. In my opinion Hamlet stood out the most, not only because he was the main character but because he was a hurt individual that had his own problems but also caused them for many of the other characters that were in this production. The actor knew how to portray his character so that he would stand out and be the center of attention.

    As for the lighting and scenery of the play I thought it was very unique and interesting what they were doing. The lighting was very appropriate because during the scenes that were more secretive like the one where Hamlet was talking to his dead father the stage would go dim except for the spotlight which was focused on Hamlet and his father. As for the scenery, the actors could only bring so much with them for productions like this, but they used such small simple props to their advantage and made the play look very interesting.

    This play was definitely interesting, but since they had to cute the play shorter than its original version I feel like they might have gotten rid of important information or maybe some of the suspense that would have been used to make dramatic scenes even more dramatic. I thought this play gave off the general impression that people could not be trusted, not even people in your family, they showed this because Hamlet's family kept betraying him, like when his uncle/ step dad killed his own brother which was also Hamlets birth father. This showed me that the theater productions can seem very simple but there must be a lot of work put into them to make them that interesting. Especially with the actors that had more than one roles and when they had to incorporate props that might not have demonstrated what they wanted to demonstrate that easily. Over all I thought it was very successful and enjoyable.

  19. Grace Tobin Period 6
    In my opinion Hamlet was the character that stood out the most. This is not only because he was the main character throughout the entire performance, but also because he made his character very loud and prominent on stage. He delivered his lines effectively and kept the audience engaged my moving around the stage, creating eye contact and connection, and using humor in order to keep the audience captivated. the character stood out because he seemed to appear and dress differently in comparison to the rest of the cast/characters.

    I felt personally that the set, lighting and sound effects had much room for improvement. The only sound effect was the wind, which lost its "effect" after the first time hearing it. The curtains, which switched too red when the play took place under the rule of king Hamlet, and grey under King Claudius, was confusing and distracting. I had no idea what the curtains were and what they meant until after the play when I asked a teacher! Because I am a visual person, I would have liked to see different lighting and a more elaborate and less confusing set. The costumes of the younger characters seemed too be more modern, for example young Hamlet was wearing jeans and a hoodie. Although this helped develop the characters and who they were in comparison to the other characters, I am sure this is not how Shakespeare had meant to depict the them and I would like things be a bit more traditional. These changes would have helped maintain my interest throughout the performance.

    I would rate the play 2-stars out of the possible four because I honestly had the hardest time fallowing the plot of the story, and I did not feel the effect of the play "bringing me back in time". I would like the play to be more original and elaborate in order to allow me to feel the time period and visualize it.The play shows that within relationships between people, if one of those people have done wrong by the other, they will seek revenge which will result in a chain of more and more revenge. In the play, Hamlet seeks revenge upon King Claudius, who kills his father, King Hamlet. As a chain reaction occurs, Laertise seeks revenge on Hamlet for killing his father, King Claudius. What I learned about theatre is that it is important for the actors to feel the character that they are playing and get in the right state of mine in order to deliver the character effectively. I learned this through the questions and responses asked by students at the end of the play. I personally was not entertained by the play because I would have perfered a more traditional style.

  20. In my opinion Ophelia had the hardest part to play in the whole play because of her switching off roles. She played her part very well and i knew when she was changing off because she had a distinct personality for both characters.

    Obviously performing at a high school the production is blessed with a superb setting. The sound affects and the play set up wasn't the best but was what everyone espected. I thought the curtains were confusing and it didn't really make sense to have them there. The lighting was fine from my point of view, i wasn't expecting a 5 star production.

    I would rate the play a 0-1 star out of 4 because the plot was very confusing and i hardly understood what was going on. The way the characters spoke didn't make things any easier considering they were speaking ancient English. The fact that i absolutely hate anything that has to do with a play or musical obviously affected my view as a neutral. I didn't enjoy being there but i saw the effort the actors put in which is something everyone can admire.

  21. The actor that stood out the most to me was the actor who played hamlet. He was very emotional and showed that he took great pride in being one of the lead actors. This made him one of the most notable actors because I could see how much practice he put into playing the role and that there were very little faults in his acting.

    The clothing in this play was very different than I expected. The main reason for this is that the king, the queen, Ophelia, and Horatio all wore clothes appropriate for their time. When I saw these characters in scenes, I thought that I was in the past. However, Hamlet’s clothes were very modern and made me feel like it was a modern play. He wore a sweatshirt and jeans, which were of darker shades, to express that he was often sad and possibly depressed. The lighting was also very useful in helping to portray the theme and it helped enhance the quality of the play.

    I would give this play 2.5 stars because the characters were portrayed by good actors who helped enhance the overall production. Also, the lighting and sets helped to make the play more entertaining. Unfortunately, I do not usually enjoy plays, which is one of the main reasons that I didn’t give this play a higher rating. However, IF I did enjoy all plays, I would probably rate this a 3.5 because there were very little flaws and there were many parts where it was entertaining.

    Steven Jacobson Period 6

  22. 1.In my opinion the actor that stood out the most was the actress that played both Ophelia and Horatio. She was the best actor because she had two play two different characters throughout the entire play. At first I didn't realize that it was the same actress playing both characters because she did such a good job. She also had to completely change the way she acted out one of the characters and act like she was crazy.

    2.The visuals in the play where very simple yet affective. Although there weren't any backgrounds which sometimes made it hard to know where the play was taking place, the props where very good and helped a lot. The costumes that all of the characters had where very impressive and helped to show how each character felt. Hamlets clothing showed how depressed he was and Ophelias clothing after her fathers death helped to show that she had gone crazy. The lighting was also very helpful and showed when either the scene or the mood of the play changed.

    3.I would give thia play a 3 because it was very impressive for having so little actors and it was very entertaining. This play showed me how hard it is to create a play like this. What the play showed was that revenge doesn't allways solve everything and often leads to more problems.

  23. Jake Bogart Period 6

    I think that the actor who stood out the most was the one who played Hamlet. At times he was funny and entertaining, and at other times he was intense and emotional, and he played both personalities very well. He seemed like he knew exactly what he was doing and put a lot of work into his performance.

    The set, in my opinion, was very boring and simple, as it seemed that they used all of the same props over again to signify different things. Although, they made good use of costume and sound, as well as lighting. Another thing that stood out were the voices of the actors. They all spoke smoothly and loudly, and I could always hear everything they were saying perfectly, which made the performance easy to follow and understand. I feel like the fact that the actors actually tried to get into character and act as if they would as if they were in the actual time in which the play took place made it fun to watch and enjoyable.

    I would give the play a 3 stars out of 4, because although I wasn't sitting on the edge of my seat, or too excited to keep watching, it made me laugh, i didn't fall asleep, and I was able to follow what was going on. I understand how hard they must have worked to put on the performance and it showed me how hard work pays off in the end.

  24. In my opinion, i think the actor that played both the King and his brother stood out to me because he portrayed both characters how i would picture them to be. He became his characters and i felt like the play was real.

    The play was simple and good because i felt like they used the props as a way to create their character and to help the audience understand the setting and what's occurring. The understanding they had on their characters were amazing because specking old English and being able to act it out is evident. Also, they portrayed their emotions of the character vividly, which made it more interesting.

    I would give the play a 3.5 because they helped me understand what Hamlet is about and i could tell that each actor worked hard with their characters and that made it enjoyable to watch. What i learned most about the theatre production is that each actor was very passionate in what they do and to me it looked like they would work hard for whichever character they would have to do.

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