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Wednesday, May 11, 2011


"One should rather die than be betrayed. There is no deciet in death. It delivers precisely what it has promised. Betrayal, though...betrayal is the willful slaughter of hope" ~Steven Deitz

How would you feel if a friend betrayed you? What if they acted out of concern for your well being?

Desrcribe an occasion when you thought/knew a friend wasn't totally honest with you. How did it make you feel? Was your friends behavior justified? Have you ever done something similar?


  1. If a friend betrayed me I would feel bad about myself and also angry too. I would feel bad about myself because I would think about what made me feel like this person could be trusted. Of course I would also be angry since I was betrayed in the first place. If that person had done it out of their own concern for me I may feel slightly different. If that was so I wouldn't be as angry with the person and be slightly happier since at least it wasn't a total betrayal. However I'd be more careful around that person after that too. I've never actually cared if a friend hadn't been totally honest with me because I can respect their privacy. This happened when my friend didn't tell me his full reason for me having to go somewhere. But in the end it didn't matter too me at all. I've not told the whole truth before either to not be mean or another reason like that.

  2. I would be extremely upset if a friend betrayed me because part of being a friend is being loyal, and honest. However, my reaction would depend on the situation. If my friend's betrayal was a big deal, this would effect me more than if my friend betrayed me and it wasn't a big deal and i was able to move on easily from it. If they acted out of concern for my well being, then rather than being upset about it, i would appreciate what they had done for me and i would repay them by acting the same way. When i knew that someone wasn't being totally honest with me, i questioned them and asked if they were being honest. It made me feel like she was keeping something important from me because she wasnt telling me the truth. I have never done something like this because i know how it made me feel, and i wouldnt want anyone else to feel that was as well.

  3. if a really close friend betrayed me then i would be extremely confused as to why they would want to hurt me. I would also consider if they are really my true friend or not. It would be worse if my friend knew she was betraying me while she did it. But if she didnt something and didnt know it would hurt me and was very sorry then maybe i would forgive them. But when a someone breaks their trust with me it is very hard to get back because every time i try and trust them again i will just think about how if they lied to me once then they are capable of lying to me again. When i have a gut feeling that someone is lying to me or not telling the truth i believe them until i start to hear otherwise. But before i make any conclusions i will ask them about it and hope that they will be completely honest with me because if not then they would be lying to me again. trust is a very fragile thing and once it is broken it never feels the same way again.

  4. Olivia Hymowitz
    Period 6

    If one of my best friends betrayed me I would be hurt and annoyed and just be wondering what happened for this to occur. I would start to think if everything is a lie because I trust all of my friends but if my friend betrays me I will lose trust in them. A betrayal is a betrayal and no matter what I will be hurt in the end. Depending on to what extreme that betrayal is, is different. It will either take a long time to forgive and trust them again or a shorter time to forgive and trust them again. This has happened to me when a friend went behind my back and did something but then lied about it. It took some time to gain trust back but in the end i knew they were really sorry and I forgave. Although, when betrayal happens its hard to forget.

  5. if a really close friend betrayed me i would be very upset. no matter what the circumstance it was, betrayal is betrayal. no friend that is considered a "good" one should ever betray the person that is considered their "good" friend. if people do this, this is how they loose friends. but, on the other hand, if they were to betray me to save me, or for my concern, i wouldn't mind. i'd rather them tell a secret of mine or what ever the case maybe if its for a legitimate reason that could save my life, or something SERIOUSLY concerning me. if its to save themselves, thats straight up betrayal.
    in my own experience, i had a feeling deep in the pit of my stomach that i knew my friend(s) were betraying me. a whole group of them. they decided to all hate me, and shun me out of "our group" of friends. you want to know the reason why? because one person wanted to sit with us at a table, and they didn't like that person so they decided to talk about me and that person until they eventually kicked me out of the table because they thought i was telling that person all the stuff they were saying. all i did was when that person asked "what do they say about me?" i responded with "they just don't want you to sit at the table." which was the truth, and that person needed to know that. i never told her that they called her all those names and criticized her about everything she wore(etc).
    all of this made me feel like i was hated and no one liked me because i have always been left out and had troubles with finding friends that like me for who i am. so this incident affected me very deeply both emotionally and physically. no, my friends actions were definitely NOT justified because i did nothing wrong, and they had no reason or right to assume what was saying to that person.
    for me, i have to admit, theres this one person who i just cant seem to get along with recently and we have in the past. so, i haven't been so nice to her, or i haven't been so truthful with her either. i would make up excuses not to hang out, and i haven't been so kind with my attitude. (not that she doesn't give me one either...) Now that im letting this all out, im actually realizing maybe we shouldn't be friends.. But i am lucky to say i do have great friends who like me (that hopefully don't betray me) but if some sort of betrayal does occur, i would be torn.

  6. Toni Ann Abbatantono per1
    I think that it honestly sucks to be betrayed by a friend or family member. When someone betrays you, it really can hurt you inside because you expect them to be there and it takes a lot to trust someone and then for them to ruin the trust that you had for them. Though it is understandable if they tell a parent or seek help with something you yourself are struggling with and actually need help from an adult. But it is very hard to recover and move on when someone takes away the perception you have of them with a false move. Personally I would myself rather to be alone then with someone who constantly betrays or lies to me. Or on the other hand I guess I would rather know the truth then to act dumb or be lied to for a long period of time and seem clueless and naiive. These feelings are almost always seen between people who are afraid of the others opinion. For example a kid feels compelled to lie to a parent to not risk getting in trouble. While meanwhile its hard to always keep every lie ever said a secret therefore somewhere you'd get caught or you'd end up building a big web of lies and get tangled in it. So I guess in a situation like this honesty is the best policy.

  7. I would be very upset if a friend betrayed me. However, I understand betrayal is only one way of judging a situation. For instance, if a patient was opposed to getting a surgery that has a fifty percent chance of success, they would want their friend to support their decision and spend the minimum time they have left together that so the patient can die with no regrets. However, when their friend believes that taking the risk and getting the surgery is the better option, then the patient may feel betrayed. On the contrary, the friend is considering the wellbeing of the patient by opposing to the patient’s decision. Rather than being disloyal, the friend is trying to keep the patient alive for as long as possible in healthy conditions. In this case, the patient may feel betrayed, although the friend has good intentions.
    Once my friend told me she had to go somewhere with her family when in reality she was spending time with her other friends. It upset me in the beginning because I thought that she was choosing her other friends over me. However I realized that they asked her to hang out with them before I had, so it made sense for her to accept their invitation before mine. I believe she made the right decision, not telling me her exact plans, because had she revealed her true plans for her night, it would have made me jealous. Similarly, there have been times when I wasn’t completely true to my parents. I may tell my parents that I’ve completed my homework when I really haven’t, that so I can watch TV or hang out with friends.

  8. I would feel hurt over the betrayal no matter what because by betraying me they lost my trust. Even if they were doing the right thing they still betrayed me which hurts a lot more. If someone betrayed a friend’s trust because the friend was going to hurt himself it would still hurt badly even though the person was doing the right thing. One time I thought a friend wasn’t totally honest with me was when I lost 20 dollars from my wallet and they were the only person with me and I thought they took it even though they said they didn’t. I felt hurt and if they really needed the money that badly then I might have given it to them if they asked but since they didn’t ask they will never know. I can’t remember if I did do something like that even though I probably did

    Tyler Hart pd 6

  9. Hayley Kronthal Period 6

    If a friend betrayed me I would probably feel hurt. However it would depend on the situation, for example if they were truly acting out of concern for me then I would not be as mad. I would give them a second chance because everyone deserves a second chance. On the other hand, if what they did was selfish and in their own interest then i would be mad and not want to give them another chance. An occasion when a friend had not been totally honest with me was when they had a family problem going on. They wanted to keep to themselves because thats how they coped with it. I was not mad because when I found out that my friend was not completely honest I did not care.

  10. If a friend betrayed me I would be angry but it would also help me understand what kind of person they truly are and i'll stop being friends with that person. But if they acted out of concern for me i would still be mad because they are meddling in my problems with someone else that doesn't concern them. That tells me that they are searching for attention and is selfish. An occasion when my friend wasn't totally honest with me was when she would talk about her something she isn't suppose to do. I mean i can understand why she wouldn't want to tell me every detail because she has her reasons and i respect that. At first i would feel a little mad because i don't want a distant relationship with my close friend but then i realized that she'll tell me the truth when she feels is the right time.

    Mariana Galeano Period 6

  11. Austin Pollack Pd 6

    If a friend betrayed me I would feel lost and saddened that a friend would do that to me. I would probably try to reassure myself that they actually betrayed me and ask them why they betrayed me. If that person betrayed me in an effort to help me, I many not be as angry. If that was the case I wouldn't even think of it a betrayal. I would, however, be more careful about what I say to that person afterwards. I'm not really one to concern myself with other people's affairs so I have never had this problem personally. This happened once when my friend wouldn't tell me who he was going out with. In the end he just told me, therefore it wasn't that big of a deal.

  12. Sarah Berman - 6th Period

    If a friend betrayed me I would feel very upset, and think of all the things that I have done that possibly could have hurt this person. Also, a betrayal by a friend would teach me what type of person they really are. If a friend betrayed me because of something that didn't affect the well being of myself i would be mad, and it would probably take some time for me to get over it. If a friend betrayed me out of a concern for my well being, I would not be as mad, but I would still most likely be angry because them betraying me because of someone else would mean that they were getting involved in something they should be involved in. In the event that they did something to me out of concern then i would most likely give them a second chance, because it would show me that that care.
    I'm sure there are many instances in my life where a friend hasn't been completely honest with me. If a friend tells me the basis of what is wrong with them, its fine with me, i respect their privacy. I don't want to barge into their problems unless I see that there is something that is really affecting them.

  13. If a friend betrayed me I would feel very alone and upset. It is hard knowing that someone who you trusted went behind your back and broke that trust. Betrayal by an enemy is nowhere similar to betrayal by a friend, when you are betrayed by a friend, all the trust and not to mention a strong bond is broken. Even if my "friend" betrayed me in order to help me I would still be upset, although not as upset if the friend did it out of spite. If the friend felt the need to go behind my back for the betterment of myself, they should have been able to tell me this in the first place being that they cared about me enough to try and help me. Although I cannot remember a time where I was betrayed, I do remember a time when I betrayed my friend in order to help him in what he was going through at that time

  14. Anshul Doshi

    If a friend betrayed me then I would be mad, but even so I would try my best to forgive. Depending on the action, If the friend were to do something very bad then I might lean toward terminating the friendship but if it were a minor mistake then I would forgive them. If they did something in concern for my well-being then I would probably trust them and forgive them. An example would be a time when a friend of mine didn't tell me about how another friend of ours was getting bullied. I was mad about it but i forgave him since he did it so I would not worry.

  15. If a friend of mine were to betray me I would be very angry at them. I would be mad at my friend for a while but would eventually try to fix the problem. If the betrayal were very serious I would probably end my friendship with them. If my friend betrayed me in order to protect me I would still be very angry at first but would quickly forgive them because they doing it to help me. I can not remember a time when a friend of mine really betrayed me but I do know it has happened. I know that when I have been betrayed I have been angry but I always forgave the person because I haven't stopped being friends with anyone for a reason like that.

  16. Samantha Guarnero period 6

    If one of my friends were to betray me I would feel very hurt. Depending on how serious the betrayal was I would probably view the person differently. I don't really think it is necessary to be friends with someone who may hurt me in the future so I would probably act very differently with the person. I don't think betrayal is something that should be taken lightly because one should be able to trust that all their friends have their best interest in mind. In Hamlet, if Horatio is betraying Hamlet then he truly isn't Hamlet's friend. I can not remember a time that I have been betrayed but people are betrayed by friends all the time so it has definitely happened. If i were betrayed i don't think i could remain friends with the person who betrayed me.

  17. if a friend betrayed me i would feel very pissed off and ready to seek revenge. Also i would feel that they cant be trusted and that i have to know who my true friends are. One occasion where a friend betrayed me is when i was missing money from my room and i knew he took it because he was the only one in my room. He didn't admit it, and thats what got me even angrier because he didn't have the courage to own up to his wrong doings. From then on, i could no longer trust him, but i was still friends with him, but our relationship kind of faded since then. I haven't done anything similar to this because i'm not the kind of person who would steal and lie to a friend.

  18. Haya Nesheiwat period 6
    If a friend betrayed me i would be extreamly angry and dissapointed because i would never do that myself. i wouldnt trust that person anymore and tell them anything because a lot that i say is personal. if they acted out of concern i may be more understanding because its for the best and if i were in that situation i would probably do the same. a situation where a friend wasnt honest with me is when i told a few people something personal and it was going around that they were laughing at me about it, and a closer friend told me that they were talking about me. i still never got one of them to admit it to me. it made me furious because i put the trust in someone who didnt care back. that was not justified because i didnt do anything to deserve it. and ive never done that to someone else.

  19. Grace Tobin period 6
    If a friend had betrayed me I would feel extremely angry or upset with that person, and most likely not feel the same closeness that i might have felt previously. The trust between us would be gone and I would hesitate to confined in that person again. If said person had betrayed me for my own good or well being I would still feel this way because I would appreciate it if the friend could talk to me about it rather then attempt to handle my situation on there own.
    A time when a friend was not totally honest with me was the time my friend didn't tell me that she talked to my boyfriend without me knowing about a situation me and the boy had been experiencing. This made me feel upset and annoyed because my friend was completely not a part of the situation and had no right to talk to the boy about my situation. The actions were not justified, and I strongly feel that this is not something a friend should do, therefor I have never done it to anyone else and never plan too.

  20. If a friend betrayed me, I would be very angry at them. I would question them and try to figure out why they betrayed me. If I find out that they betrayed me out of concern for my well being, I would be a little angry, but would eventually forgive the,. However, if a friend betrayed me not out of concern for my well being, I would be extremely angry. I would most likely not forgive them and would rarely talk to them. I feel that betraying a friend for no good reason is the worst thing a friend can do. A few years ago a friend was not completely honest to me. When in found out that they were lying, I was very mad. However, I eventually discovered that there motive was not to harm me, so I forgave them. Lastly, I have not betrayed my friends in the past and I do not plan to do it in the future.

    Steven Jacobson Period 6
