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Thursday, April 14, 2011

The Power of Word

In "Antigone", the messenger statesm "excessive silence can be dangerous". React to this statement. Is "silence" a good or bad thing? Defend your position through the use of specific life experiences you have encountered AND literature studied.


  1. Melanie Singer
    Period 1
    Silence can be both good and bad depending on the situation. For instance, if a friend is getting bullied or feels hurt from someone's comment that they made toward this friend, I would most likely speak out and stand up for them. One should always stand up for what they believe in and not stay quite. By staying quite and not speaking may make the situation worsen and may not turn out the way you wish it had in the long run. In my life, i have spoken out and stood up for what i believe in if it's just a small thing such as saying that we should not do something because it won't work or if it's a big thing such as helping a friend out when they are becoming bullied. But, if it's a situation lets say life or death and you were not aloud to speak out and save yourself, I personally would not speak. That is one issue with a possible dictator ruling over you because you cannot speak her feelings. Finally, that is why freedom of speech in the U.S. is one of the most important laws given to the people. That is why Creon's son had to make the situation with is father better before he can lay his thoughts on him and speak his mind.

  2. Michelle Loguidice
    Period 1

    Silence is a bad thing because if you keep all your problems in and do not talk about them, then eventually you may explode and hurt yourself or someone else because you can’t deal with the pressure anymore. I’ve witnessed this happen to one of my friends. She was so stressed out about something, and kept it all inside that eventually, she broke out in tears because she felt so overwhelmed with all her problems. In the fictional novel Speak by Laurie Halse Anderson, protagonist, Melinda Sordino didn’t talk about her summer night and how she got raped. She ended up doing harmful things to herself. As seen though the character Melinda, silence can harm you, physically and mentally. I’ve learned that it is crucial to talk about your problems in order to save yourself.

  3. Hayley Kronthal Period 6

    Silence can both be good and bad, some people express themselves through art and not talking. While others let the people around them know how they feel. For example I know when my mom gets really mad, she does not say anything and with the silence she says everything. On the other hand when my sister gets mad she lets everyone around her know, and talks about her problems. When people keep their problems inside them and they do not talk to anyone else about them I do not necessarily think this is a bad thing because they can get what’s on their mind out in other ways. For example they can draw or read. One book I can relate this quote to is Speak, this is because for Melinda keeping silent and not talking to anyone was harmful for her because she was not expressing herself in any other way.

  4. Grant Wissak
    Period 1

    Silence has the ability to be good and bad, but more often it is usually a bad thing. With silence, you do know what the silent person is thinking about or how they feel. They could be thinking great thoughts or horrible ones such as suicide in a lot of cases. But Silence can be used to make a point, to stand somebody up. But points shouldn't be made using silence because your point cannot be made without words. Language is how we communicate with one another, how we figure out how the other is doing, without it we are all lost. For example, in a recent book we just read "Speak" Melinda is trying to make a point to her teacher. She does this by being silent, her teacher nor the class understands the point she is trying to make (that she shouldn't have to make a speech) and it backfires, she gets in trouble. When it comes to more serious things about weather to speak or not to speak, this book addresses those too. Melinda, is having thoughts about death and sadness. Nobody knows this besides her because she rarely talks or associates herself with others. When she finally has the courage to speak her life changes for the better.

  5. Haya Nesheiwat
    period 6
    Silence does lead to the most dangerous outcomes. similar to Melinda in the book SPeak, she was silent and refused to talk to anyone leading to her losing all of her friends. her social life, her grades dropped, and she was in another dangerous situation. it only lead to the worst of her and she didnt know how to deal with it untill she went out and starting speaking again, she became more liked and she regained her social life.

  6. Anshul pd. 6

    Silence is not always a good thing. Your say in things is important and your voice should be heard. However, the most important thing is to know when to say something and when not to. There is a time for everything and sometimes you cant just say everything that comes to mind. In the case for Speak, Melinda should have spoke of what happened despite her fear and trauma. On the contrary, even though it was morally right, Antigone spoke out against the law leading to her unfortunate death. Its not always about speaking up or not but its about knowing when and when not to speak.

  7. Silence is a good quality for those who know how to solve problems on their own, whereas for those who do not know how to solve their own problems, their voice becomes a vital tool. Many people are independent workers or thinkers. They can identify their problem, decide on how to solve the issue and execute their plan. For these people, involving others in their problems will only cause trouble for others and consume more time. An example of such as person may be a student who knows how to solve a math problem. They don’t need to work with a partner to solve the problem, or ask the teacher for help. They can complete their work alone, efficiently and silently. On the other hand, there are students who have difficulty solving math problems and seek help from their teachers or peers. For such students, the only way of solving a problem is by breaking their silence and speaking up. Although this may take more time, it is the only way to solve the problem correctly. People who cannot solve their own problems always need to seek the support of others in order to resolve their issues. With experience and age, people will learn how to solve problems on their own and become more independent. However, no one knows how to deal with all problems. Although one may remain silent and need not to seek help for a while, a day will come for them to confront a problem they cannot resolve alone. For those times, people will need to work together hand in hand, breaking their silence in order to find the best solution.

    Silence never results in good outcomes because with silence, you lose your chance to have an opinion, and be represented in society. If a person never speaks to what they want, or the beliefs they hold, they will fade away into society, and be forgotten by everyone. The hero’s and revolutionaries of history did not make the impact that they did by silently wishing for change. They spoke out, even in times of trouble, or dangerous circumstances. At one point, I had been in an argument with my friend, and I was so angry that I didn’t want to continue talking about the problem. Because I was stubborn and unwilling to hear her side of the story, the problem wasn’t resolved. This is an example of how keeping silent caused problems, and how speaking could have been the solution. One example of how keeping silent had dangerous effects was when a girl I knew was bullied. I saw this bullying occur and I did not try to stop it because I knew that it would cause problems with the bully and I, and I was not looking to get into a fight. However, I later learned that this girl was extremely hurt because of how she had been treated. When hearing this, I realized how much of a difference I might have been able to make if I had stood up for her and shown her that she had a friend. In Speak, because Melinda didn’t talk of her traumatic events at the party, she became very depressed and self-destructive. If she had spoken and tried to understand what had happened to her, it may not have had such bad effects. In the end, Melinda speaks and she finds that it helps her start to get back to how she was, which shows how speaking is always better in the end.

  9. Austin Pollack
    Pd 6
    Silence to me is a sign of independence, silent people aren't as dependent on other people as others are. Silence can be both good and bad. Your voice is important and you should always have an opinion and the right to demonstrate your it. Despite this, it is very important to know when to say something and when not to. Is it a virtue to know that there is a time and place for certain things. In the novel Speak, Melinda's silence held her back from confronting her fears. However, Antigone spoke out against the morals put down by the king, Creon, by burying her brother who was restricted from having a proper burial. She knew when to speak up and went against it, resulting in her death, but she did do the right thing.

  10. I agree with this statement because if people refuse to talk and never express their feelings, they might suffer on the inside. All people should talk about their feelings to others to some extent because it is important that no one has to contain all of their problems and never be able to vent. I have experienced this in my life because sometimes something bad will happen to me and I don’t want to tell my parents. However, if I do tell my parents, they usually attempt to help me overcome what happened. This statement is also evident in Laurie Halse Anderson’s novel Speak because the protagonist is forced to keep all of her problems inside of her, even though she is practically dying on the inside. In this case, silence is very dangerous because Melinda suffers from depression because she is not able to share her feelings with others. However, she eventually decides to speak and not be silent, which helps cure her problems.

    Steven Jacobson Period 6

  11. Melanie Singer
    Period 1
    Depending on the situation silence can have a good outcome or a bad one. For instance, most people should not be silent in a bad situation. If a kid is being bullied or threatened by someone, the victim should not keep his or her mouth shut. By being silent in this situation, the harassment may worsen as time goes on and this may lead to even worse outcomes that just being bullied. But for someone to have a loud mouth may mean they need to be silent. If you are in a classroom and a student seems to be in a sociable mood and decides to chat with his or her neighbor, that can interfere with the learning environment for others that actually want to understand and know the topic. In the play write, "Anigone", Creon's son keeps his mouth shut for quite some time from his father. If he had given his father some adivce earlier on, Antigone would not have killed herself and neither would everyone else. By not speaking up for what you believe in may make situations worse and the outcome may not be the one you had wished for.

  12. Amanda Araujo Pr.1

    In my opinion silence can be a great tool and weapon. Many can make a statement without saying a word. Such as last year there was a day of silence where we tried to prove gay rights. More than half of our school participated and this proved our passion for this subject. The down side to silence is if a person is going through a tough time sometimes the person can pull through on their own. But if they aren't strong enough this may cause excessive stress and fall into depression that is already a serious issue. Being silent and reserved isn't always a bad thing but can lead to serious consequences is not the person is not treated properly. For example Melinda she was strong and able to keep to herself and even find herself after such a traumatic event.

  13. I believe that silence is something that is not found to be beneficial in any situation. Silence can be very bad in some situations. In the novel Speak, Melinda should have stopped being silent earlier than she did. If she had told someone what had happened to her then people may have not been mean to her. People would have understood that Melinda had a good reason to panic. People need to say what is on their mind or it will eat away at them. There are many ways that people can express themselves.

    Sam pd 6
