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Thursday, April 14, 2011


In "Antigone" the Messenger states "The unfortunate boy has shown all men how, of all the evils which effect mankind, the most disasterous one is thoughtlessness" React to this statement. Is the messenger correct or incorrect thinking that "thoughlessness" leads to the greatest disasters. Use evidence from the world and units of studry to support your response.


  1. The messenger would be correct in this situation. He is referring too the king, Creon, as the person that exhibits thoughtlessness. His thoughtlessness occurred when he made his order, that a proper burial would not be given to Antigone's brother. He did this action without thought just because he was angry at the fact that someone would try and question Thebes and its power, even if it was for the better. Creon showed immaturity and recklessness with this action, and led to a great disaster in thoughtlessness has affected many people and been severely disastrous, is when George Bush sent our troops into Iraq and Afghanistan. He should have had him and his advisors asses the situation further and realize that it is impossible to win a war with such explosive nuclear devices at stake. Bush's thoughtlessness has cost the lives of many Americans and also the expense of the U.S. military.

  2. Haya Nesheiwat
    Period 6
    The messenger is correct because when you arent thinking about what will happen next and the next step, worse things happen because outcomes are being taken into concederation. Creon wasnt thinking about other people just of himself and for that he was cursed forever. Polyneices as well wasnt thinking about the outcomes of fighting for the thrown which led him to his death and days of not having a proper burial. when you are considering the outcomes however, things turn out better, like Antigone for example she knew what she was going into which is why she didnt have to suffer and she murdered herself.

  3. Serena Takada pd.1

    I believe the messenger is correct to say that thoughtlessness leads to disasters. The unfortunate boy mentioned in this quote refers to Haemon, the son of Creon who had killed himself after the sight of his dead fiancĂ© and failure to kill his father. Due to the insufficient amount of thought Haemon put into his decisions, he kills himself after seeing Antigone dead, bringing much sorrow to many people that loved him including his father and mother. Eventually, out of depression caused by her son’s death, Haemon’s mother Theiresias puts an end to her own life. Had Haemon considered the outcomes of his death, the series of unfortunate events following his death could have been prevented. Haemon would have realized that his death would not have improved the situation that the people of Thebes were in, if more thought was put into his decisions.

  4. Austin Pollack
    Pd 6
    I believe that the messenger is correct in this situation. Creon and his actions throughout the story could be called thoughtless. He acted thoughtlessly when he made ordered that no one give Antigone's brother a proper burial. He acted without considering the consequences of what might have occurred. His thoughtless actions came about because he was so enraged that someone would try to disobey his commands. The situation brought out Creon's recklessness and thoughtlessness which ultimately led to disaster. Similarly, George Bush acted thoughtlessly like Creon when he sent our troops into Iraq. Not only should he have considered that we couldn't win there, but he failed to realize that the U.S. had no business being there. Because of this, Bush has wasted the lives of thousands of American troops, and has also made it impossible for America to leave for another ten to twenty years.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. I agree with the messenger’s statement because when people don’t think about their actions, they often act incorrectly. This statement applies to the king, Creon, because Creon did not think of the consequences of his and how his actions would affect other people. When he finally acted without thinking, horrible results followed. For example, he ignored his son, and as a result his son killed himself. Creon did not act logically, and decided to punish Antigone for giving her brother a proper burial. While Antigone obeyed the gods and acted with much thought, Creon acted thoughtlessly and a disaster ensued.

    Steven Jacobson Period 6

  7. I agree with what the messenger stated in Antigione. Thoughtlessness leads to people getting hurt. If one does not think of others before taking actions then they wont know the consequences. I believe this quote was directed towards almost all the characters in the play. Creon did not think of his people when he made decisions. He knew it was the wrong thing to do but quite frankly he did not care. Antigione committed suicide. She committed the most selfish act she could. Even though she thought she did not have a choice she should not have committed suicide. She did not think how Ismene would react when she found out about Antigione. Haemon also committed this selfish act when he saw that Antigione had committed suicide. Many people in society commit thoughtless acts. People do not realize the consequences of their actions and in turn it hurts many people.

    Sam pd 6
