Blog Intructions:

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Thursday, February 10, 2011

My Room

"My room belongs to an alien. It is a postcard of who I was in fifth grade..." (15).

What is your room like? Do you like/dislike it? Does it accurately represent you? Why/why not? What should it be changed to reflect about you now?


  1. My room is all pink.On the walls I hang up pictures, tickets,dates, things that I want to remember in the future. I love my room because I get to be alone in there when I am not in the mood to talk to anyone. I picked the color pink because that was when I was into wearing pink shirts and clothes. The things that are hung to the walls do represent me but the color wall,pink, doesn't anymore. When I am in a bad mood I rather it be a dark color like black or when I am in a good mood I rather it be yellow. Now that I am older I don't like the color anymore. Over all I do like my room, I hung up all my important memories I had rather than writing about it in a diary.

  2. Joanna G period 6
    My room is all pink.On the walls I hang up pictures, tickets,dates, things that I want to remember in the future. I love my room because I get to be alone in there when I am not in the mood to talk to anyone. I picked the color pink because that was when I was into wearing pink shirts and clothes. The things that are hung to the walls do represent me but the color wall,pink, doesn't anymore. When I am in a bad mood I rather it be a dark color like black or when I am in a good mood I rather it be yellow. Now that I am older I don't like the color anymore. Over all I do like my room, I hung up all my important memories I had rather than writing about it in a diary.

  3. Michelle Loguidice, period 1

    My room has light green colored walls and a pink bed. My curtains are light green with pink flowers on it. I have pictures hanging in my room of my family and friends. I also have a small, beige, bulletin board with a “to do” list tacked onto it. My room is small, but when all the furniture is moved it looks big. Sometimes my room is messy, but most of the times it is clean, when the bed is made and the clothes sitting on my desk are put away.
    I like my room because it is not too babyish and girly, but it is also not too boyish. Sometimes, I hate my room because I feel like there is no place to walk, unlike my sisters’ room, which has a lot of walking space. My room represents me because I like to stay neat and organized in life, and I try to keep my room that way. However, the green and pink colors in my room do not represent me because I do not like those colors. To change my room to represent me more, I think I should make my room have more of a beach theme because I love the beach and I try to go as much as possible.

  4. Jake Lerner, Period 6

    My room is blue. My dressers, desk lamp fan and bed board are all light brown wood. The bulletin board next to my desk is flooded with pictures from when I was a kid, family vacations and memories that I never want to get rid of. On the door to my room, the progress of my height is recorded up until age 9 when I just gave up on growing at wanted to be really tall already. My grandfathers dresser box sits on top of my dresser filled with both mine and his things, reminding me that he's always around even if he isn't alive. I think that my room does accurately represent me because even though the walls are painted I can still paint them with pictures and memories. I wouldn't want to change my room at all, I like it just the way it is.

  5. Hayley Kronthal Period 6
    My room is a soft yellow with white and yellow curtains. I have a big desk and a couch. On my walls there is a hanging mirror, two pictures above my bed of flowers a closet ect. Most of the time my room is clean but every now and then there is a big mess! I like my room because I feel it is very me! It is calm and has unique characteristics about it, since I have a big desk I can study in my room and go on my computer. When I was little I would go to my room and play all the time because it was quite. Now I can study and know that no one will disturbed me when i'm in there. I have a lot of pictures in my room of my friends and memories from when I was little to present day. If I were to change my room I would want a TV because I would like to relax and watch TV in my room!

  6. Toni Ann Abbatantono period 1

    My room, is very me because its dull. It's light blue and its fairly small. I don't spend too much time in there because I don't find a need to, if I had to call a room in my house mine, it would be my living room. My living room is where I spend most of my time and hangout with my family. I wouldn't call my room mine if it didn't suit me. I wouldn't change anything about my room because I am happy with my living room though it would be cool if the living room was mine room.I don't have cable in my room so I normally don't watch t.v usually when I'm in my room it's because I have friends over or I'm going to bed.

  7. Austin Pollack Period 6

    My room has a blue pattern on the ceiling. To me, this looks like the sky because of its mix with the white. I have sports memorabilia all over my room because I love sports. My bed has a plaid design of red white and blue mixed together. I like everything about my room because i am comfortable with it mentally and physically. IT does accurately represent me because some parts resemble me now while there are some parts that remind me of my childhood that I still connect with. Despite this, one change could be made about my carpet. The design doesn't really fit the mood of my room, and I have always thought this way. I have had this rug for 10 years though, so it is not going anywhere. My room has become a part of me.

  8. Haya Nesheiwat Period 6

    My room has yellow walls, my beddings is flowers and my furniture is white. I have pictures hanging up from when i was younger of butterfly and ladybug paintings. my desk and dresser are flooded with old memories of when i was younger with all my friends and family. on my book shelf i keep my baby books and yearbooks to look back on. it isnt my favorite because i didnt really get the oppurtunity to personalize it. it was mostly my moms decrative skills. it doesnt represent me becasue my favorite color is red, however i do like flowers. it more clean cut and i prefer personality. if the walls were red, bedding was more plain and walls consisted of recent pictures id probably prefer it because i tend not to live in the past but in the present. I've blended into the background of my wall because it doesnt make me stick out but just keeps me there, nothing special.

  9. I recently redid my room because I previously had felt like it was too young for me. Although the walls are pink, I'm not a huge girly girl. The rest of it is black and white themed. I have a zebra patterned duvet and chair and I love the exotic patterns because they are unique and different. On one of my walls I am putting a ton of black and white pictures of places I've been, my friends and my family. I feel that my room does accurately represent me because while a lot of my furniture and belongings are new, there are still some old quirks about my room that have been left untouched. For example, since my house was built in the early to mid 1900s, my door is very old and the knob is an old, tinted piece of metal. I decorated my door in 7th grade and lots of the magazine clippings are still hanging there. Because I love my room so much, I spend a lot of time in it. It's one of my favorite places to be.

  10. My room has a light blue carpet, walls that are blue, but eventually fade into white, like a wave crashing on my head. My dressers are white, and I have a dark brown couch in the corner. In the corner opposite of my couch rests a dollhouse which my mom made for me when i was in elementary school. In my room I like to keep all of the memories that i never want to forget. Some of these include my gymnastics medals, trophies and score cards, soccer medals, an autographed Pelé ball, the tickets to my first undergound & airplane ticket to London, as well as pictures of my family and friends. Also hanging in my room are shadowboxes from some of my closest friends, none of which I would ever dare to get rid of. My bed is blue and pick and white, and i have very light blue curtains. Typically, my room is messy, with clothes spread all over the floor. I think my room accurately represents me because it is very relaxing, and contains some of my favorite colors and memories.

  11. Anshul Doshi Period 6

    My room has been the same since we first got the house 11 years ago. Its blue interior with all my personal possessions has become a important setting in my everyday life. Every part of my room brings back old memories from the past an these are the memories i get to reminisce on everyday. I love my room since it is my own possession, It can be made the way I want it. Not only is it the sanctum of my childhood but also my refuge. The soft bed is where I can hide from the rest of the world and fluffy covers are what put me up on the clouds to dream. My room is a great representation of me and my personality. Its mixture of my childhood and modern life has shown how I have grown as a person.

  12. Christina Della-Rocco period 1

    My room has siler walls and a black and white zebra print bed. I have a purple bean bag in the corner, a bookshelf that is painted purple, and a deak that's purple and silver. My curtains are zebra print also. I think my room represents me because those are my favorite colors. I love purple and silver, with accents of zebra, I just think it's so cool. The floor of my room is a white, fuzzy carpet just because it still goes with the whole theme of my room. I also have this big bulletin on my wall and it has a bunch of pictures of my friends and family. I think my room really expresses who I am because it's me. It has everything I love and more. I'm also a organized freak, so my room has to be clean at all times. So I guess you can say that's how it stays neat and organized. The one thing I don't like about my room is the fact that it's right next to my brother's room. He's so loud, so the sound bounces off the walls and into my room and I just get a massive headache after that. But other than that, I love my room and I wouldn't change a thing about it.

  13. My room is mostly pink with white furniture and white walls with posters and pictures on it. i have a TV in my room with the average furniture set. For example a nightstand, dresser, closet, desk (etc). i even have a bed with a canopy just like Melinda does from Speak. i am kind of iffy with my room i dont really like how the only color in my room is pink polka-dots with a wood floor. i would like some animal print or something funky! i also dont like all the award winning,classic barbies and porcelin dolls from Itlay in my room... those need to go. there all in some sort of display.. i never lked it and dont have the energy to take it out, so i guess it's staying there. what i do like about my room is my TV and my furniture i like how it accentuates my room as a whole. i think my room represents me becauseof my clothes and my pink bedspread. pink is sweet, and a girly color so i guess its me! To fit my likings now, i would like some animal print as i said before with a nice color on my walls, and a vanity for me to sit when i do my make up!(: And, a walk in closet but i can keep dreaming.

  14. My room is large and green. I have one wall covered in chalkboard paint, so that when my friends come over, they can write messages and stuff to me on it. I like that I have enough room to fit all of my stuff, but I dislike how easily it gets messy. I think that my room does accurately describe me because I designed it, as well, I'm usually adding and taking things away to have it better suit me at that time. I like that I have stuff on the walls, like posters and art, because I feel like walls look barren without anything on them. To reflect me now, I would take out one of the beds in my room so that I would have more room to hangout. Even though I care about how my room looks, I'm not in it very often, so I don't care extremely about how it looks, as long as its comfy.

  15. Sarah Vallarelli period 6
    I just recently moved into a new house so I got the chance to start fresh and decorate my new room. I painted my room bright blue because it's my favorite color. Before I had a twin bed but my room is larger now so I have a queen bed now and its huge compared to my old bed and I love it! I love my desk it has all my books and everything I need on the shelves. But my room is always freezing in the winter time, and it makes it so hard to get up in the morning for school. What makes it even colder is that my room has wood floors and no rugs. I would say it represents me because when I am feeling lazy and tired my room gets extremely messy within a few days. But when I am feeling cleat and neat then my room is spotless. But in order to reflect me more I wish I had more space for my shoes. I have so many pairs of shoes and I hate keeping them all squished in my closet or on a shoe rack. But over all my room is a nice size and is just right for me.

  16. Grant Wissak
    Period 1

    My room is very average. Not to big not to small. You walk in and its a typical room of the average teenager. The thing that sticks out to most people when they enter my room, is my bunk bud. A reaction that I have often heard is "WOW YOU HAVE A BUNK BED!" It may not be as cool now as it was when i was 6, but i still like it. Though the size of my room is average, it does represent me well. My room is painted solid blue, which is one of my favorite colors. But the valuables i have in it are what truly represent me. I will only list a few of the many. The first is a poster, which has pictures going back to the age of 6 months till pretty much the present day, its nice to walk in everyday and be reminded of your past and what you remember about it. The second most important thing that i love is the Endy Chavez poster i have, it brings me back to the days when the mets were good, the good old days. And finally my bed, I don't love it because its a bunk bed, I love it cause its MY bed. It is unlike any other i have ever slept on. I love sleeping on it and wouldn't trade it for any other bed in the world.

  17. Olivia Hymowitz Period 6
    My room is pink, light green and blue. They are all of my favorite colors and when I designed my room I wanted to have them all fit into one room. My room will always be special to me, but I recently decided I wanted to change it to have some pattern in it. It is a little dull. I started with 5 blown up pictures around my room, and I decided to put a lot more. It does have a lot to do with me because there are many pictures in it to represent the people I love to spend time with. I have all white furniture to match everything. One of my favorite parts about my room is my closet, I love walking into the closet and just looking around. I don't only have clothes in it, but shoes and jewelery in it as well and jewelery is my favorite thing. My other favorite place to spend in my room is my bed. I spend all my time in my room, and even though there are some things I would fix about it, it will always be my favorite room in the house.

  18. My room has blue walls with two fatheads on the walls of two of my favorite NFL players, Ladainian Tomlinson and Andre Johnson. I have a big bed that is against three windows that over look my back yard and it has two armchairs, one in the corner and one against the wall facing my bed and dresser with all my clothes. i love my room for two reasons, the first is that it represents me because i love sports and am a very calm person which is represented in the blue. the sports are represented in the two fatheads. the second reason that i love my room is because it removed from the rest of the house and i can go in there and relax and escape my brother or parents when i need to. it also gives me a calm place to do homework and relax. my room is pretty much perfect and i cant think about anything that i would change to make it better besides a tv but my parents wont let me get one.

    tyler hart
    pd 6

  19. My room is a nice light yellow and a wood floor. A while ago i redid my room from a bright pink to this and I like it much better now then before. There are many pictures of my friends and some of my family hanging up around my room, as well as a blown up picture of me from when I was a baby to a toddler to a teenager (showing me through the years that is nice). But even though I like my room after i redid it I am still not a fan of it. I enjoy my sisters room more because it is more plain and there is less going on. Including my room is not very big my sisters room is the same size but seems larger. Because of this I do not exactly think my room represents me because I like to be very neat and have everything organized in a certain way and i feel as if I can't do that because of the way my room is set up. If i were to change my room I would probably have less furniture allowing there to be more space to walk around and be more organized.

  20. Serena Takada pd. 1

    I recently moved into a new home which had housed little girls prior to my arrival. They had painted the walls of one bedroom pink, which came to be my room as my brother refused to own a pink room. Although I originally wished to have plain white walls, when I realized that much of my furniture was red and matched well with the walls, I learned to accept the abnormally pink walls. Although my room is more feminine than I may have originally wanted, I enjoy the various shades of red that seem to cover at least ¾ of my room. I like my room because my room is filled with things I enjoy doing. For instance, I have my book case full of books, mostly science fiction, which allows me to reread my favorite scenes in novels whenever I may desire. My music stand is always in a corner of my room, ready for me to practice my clarinet. Finally, my laptop is conveniently placed on my desk, for whenever I may want to watch TV or a movie. My room is a representation of myself and my life as many of my hobbies and interests are available in my room. I know this for a fact because I can stay in my room for hours on end keeping myself entertained without losing interest. At times I worry about whether I can survive living in a different room with new furniture and have come to conclusion that as long as I bring some of my hobbies along with me, I will somehow learn to manage my life in a new environment.

  21. My room is cozy and doesnt have a lot of objects in it. With a plain blue paint on the walls, and a bed with fluffy white covers, it is the perfect escape for me. I love my room because i own it and i am able to relax when in my room. It does accurately represent me because it is plain and simple and doesn't have a lot of things in it to make it overwhelming. It does not need to be changed because it accurately represents me now and allows me to feel comfortable and relaxed.

  22. Logan Epstein pd. 6
    My room is pink on the walls and green on the top wall because those are my two favoirte colors. MY bed is pink with silk sheets which is the reason I can never get out of bed. I have a Shawyze poster hanging on my wall because I love them as an artist and got to meet them which was very exciting. My desk is filled with my books/homework and with special pictures that a dear to my heart. Finally the last piece of furniture in my room is my T.V since I love to watch my favorite TV episodes and movies when I am relaxing. Overall, my room describes me. It has every feature that I enjoy/ love but also represents my personality. My room is cute and girly and fun which is kind of part of me I guess. I always have so much energy and thats the feeling you get when you come into my room. I really like my room, I designed it the way I wanted it to be so its to my liking. Im always in my room so it means a lot to me.

  23. My room is yellow, I did not pick the color and I didn't think I would like it but I guess it would be accurate to say that the color has grown on me. It is not too bright or popping and it's very relaxing. My only regret about the color being bright is when I attempt to sleep in the room gets lighter earlier. The fan and the bed are a distressed white. My bed is my favorite part of the room, it is a queen size and the foot/head board are so nice. I have a lot of things in my room and I put pictures everywhere. My night table is where I keep all of my prized possessions, cards from family for my birthday, letters, anything significant to me. I think my room does describe me because it has everything I value in it. Right when you walk in there is my first game ball in softball, trophies, a big desk and a bureau with all my clothes in it. The best way to describe it is a big organized mess. I believe as I change so does my room because different things are organized and I take things out of my room and put new things in. Most things I take out of my room move occupy a spot in my night table.

    Sam G pd 6

  24. my room has green walls and a brown carpet. It has a small brown desk in the back, a small closet and 2 windows. I dont like it because it looks like I live in a tree. Although i do like the largeness of the room. It does not accurately represent me becasue i am not a big person nor am i a fan of trees. It does represent me in someways however, since it has all my stuff in it. If I could change anything about my room, it would be the color. I'd rather have a blue or whitish color because those are the israeli colors and I am a good patriartic jew even though i rarely stand in the morning for the plege of allegence. sorry for smack talking u morrisey, my bad

    love jason

  25. Grace Tobin Period 6
    My room has light purple walls with a white book case built into the entire panel of one of the walls. Its relatively large with a wooden floor, and a bed with black and white designed sheets. I like my room because it is bright and I like the way it looks and feels. I'm happy being in my room and I feel it accurately represents me, because I have pictures of my favorite hobbies, family members and friends on the walls. Me and my friend painted the room together along with my father, and the room reminds me of the good time we had doing it. Because I painted it so recently, the color still accurately reflects me. In order to make my room reflect me better, however, I would like too add more pictures and furniture to fill the empty spaces. I feel more comfortable in smaller cozy spaces, and because my room is large I have a hard time filling all the emptiness. My favorite part of my room is the way the light comes through in the morning and makes everything bright.

  26. Jake Bogart period 6
    My room is mostly blue. The walls, my carpet and my bed are different shades and combinations of blue, and my desk is dark blue. This room was created when i was very young, with my favorite color being blue (it still is), but it is very simple so its as if it cant be babyish or be grown out of. Of all the places in my house, my room is my favorite place to be. It is so warm and inviting to me that i feel completely safe and happy when Im in it, and that nothing bad could happen in my room. Due to the fact that my room was built for me when I was only 4, it is beginning to seem sort of old, and although i said and believe that im not outgrowing it, my mom is letting me redo my room to make it more suitable for my teenage years and give me things like a bigger bed, more closet space, and a bigger more organized desk for work. Untill this happens somewhere in the future i love my room the way it is and would be happy if i had to stay in it forever.

  27. This comment has been removed by the author.

  28. My room is not necessarily interesting because of the colors that fill it, but more the things that are in it. The color of my walls is a light tan, while the comforter on my bed is blue, and the rug on my floor is red. However, the more important representations of me are the things that fill my room. First, I have many pictures of me that sit on a shelf. The dates of these pictures date back to 1995 (the year I was born), to the present. These pictures are very important because it is necessary to have my memories framed so I do not forget them. Also, I have many sports posters hung around my room. These represent me because I love to watch and play sports. Although the posters represent many sports, I have the most hockey themed posters because hockey is my favorite sport. Although my room is not too interesting, I like it because it has everything that I need in a bedroom.
    Steven Jacobson Period 6

  29. Amanda Araujo Pr.1

    My room is messy most of the time because i dont have time to clean it very often. I usually just come home get in the covers and sleep till the next day. My bed is white my walls are blue and my other things such as bureau and side table etc are white. I hate it. well maybe not hate it but i guess i just dont feel quite right in here. I usually feel alone and spend too much time in my room. Like anyone cared but yeah, i do my home work study my brains out and read read read in my room. nothing exciting ever goes on. I guess my room portrays how i feel. Like i dont want to be seen the way im portrayed and i want to show who i really am but never have the strength nor time to do it.

  30. My room has blue carpeting, yet most of the time that carpeting is not visible because my clothes have found a new home. As much as my mom yells at me to move the clothing from the carpet, she will never understand the fact that my clothes live on my carpet. Aside from housing issues within my room, it is a nice place to escape to from the stresses of school and being fifteen. My room contains a surplus amount of sports memorabilia, which represents my life well. My favorite part of my room would undoubtedly be my teddy bear pillows. The pillows remind me of all the good times I have ever experienced. There is only one thing my room is missing and that one thing is an xbox, otherwise my life would be complete.

  31. My room is always messy. i leave all my clothes on the floor and my desk has piles of everything on it. Every square each of it is covered by something. My room is small but i like it because it is on the other side of the house then the rest the bedrooms, so i can make noise and get away with it. My walls r plain white with posters and signed jerseys hanging off it. The signed jerseys mean a lot to me because i look up to those pros and i want to imitate them. One thing u will not find in my room is a tv. I didn't really want one because of the constant distraction it can have on me. I like my room despite the fact that its pretty cramped and i want to stay in it for years to come.

  32. My room has a lot of colorful lighting. The colors are all different shades of pink which makes my room look more alive. Along it, my bedsheets are all pink and if anyone walked into my room, you can tell that it is girly. It doesn't have anything that represents me because I'm always busy and i dont have time to decorate it. I'm not satisfied with my room because there isn't anything that makes my room special and I dislike the color pink. My room should be a lime green because that color makes me feel calm and it is also my favorite color.

  33. my room is very plain with nothing to reflect me. i like my room because i am rarely in it and when i am, im sleeping. my room accurately represents me because like my room, i am very plain. i dont do anything exciting or out of the ordinary, just like my room is very plain with nothing out of the ordinary. my room can be changed a little to represent me, however they would not be major changes, possible a poster or two.

  34. My room is almost exactly the same as when I first moved into the house and reflects how I was when I was younger. It is blue and large and I was finally able to get rid of the dinosaurs on the wall about a year ago. I like my room a lot but I am not in it that much, only to sleep. I don't really want my room to be changed to more accurately reflect me because I am happy with the way it is and it has already been changed to not look like a little kids room.

  35. This comment has been removed by the author.

  36. Devin Ullerick Period 1

    My Room is changed a little than from when I first moved, but a lot of the stuff in it is exactly the same. It's now painted a dark red and is a good size, enough to fit everything. I like my room, especially my Canadian Flag and Canadian Bedding, but I'm not ever really in my room often. I wouldn't really want to change my room in anyway because even though it could be altered I don't want to mess it up. The only things I would change to better reflect myself would be to clean up my desk, and clear out all the old junk and stuff.

  37. Nicole Golino Period 6
    The walls of my room are purple, I have a white carpet and a black and white bead spread. I picked this out about a year ago when I decided i wanted to redo my room, before that it was this moldy green color which i found repulsive. I think my room fits me because it is something that i picked out and am comfortable with. Over the year my room has been like this it has become a lot more customized. I moved desks, chairs, pictures and other items that bring back great memories. A big problem I have is I never want to get rid of anything so my room is full of a lot of my school and cheerleading stuff. I would not do anything to change my room because I think it's a perfect example of the person I have become.

  38. My room reflects the way i used to be but in a more mature way. I do not like my room and feel it is not showing my personality I am now. The colors in my room is light blue and light green and it is almost most of the time messy. They are not my favorite colors now and I try to make it more "me" lately. I do wish I can change my room completely into who I am now. It does not accurately reflect me and if it could be changed i would definitely change it to make it more calm and i would have more pictures to represent me and my activities.

    Nicole Murphy, Period 6
