Blog Intructions:

Whenever you respond to a writing prompt, please be sure to include your name and class period to make CERTAIN you will recieve credit for the given assignment.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Hamlet: Sane or Insane?

Based on what we have read thus far, do you think Hamlet is sane or insane? Defend your response using specific evidence from the text.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011


"One should rather die than be betrayed. There is no deciet in death. It delivers precisely what it has promised. Betrayal, though...betrayal is the willful slaughter of hope" ~Steven Deitz

How would you feel if a friend betrayed you? What if they acted out of concern for your well being?

Desrcribe an occasion when you thought/knew a friend wasn't totally honest with you. How did it make you feel? Was your friends behavior justified? Have you ever done something similar?

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Hamlet Production: Respond to ALL 3 components


I. Which actor stood out most in your mind (for either a good or a bad performance)? Again tell why and be specific. Do not make personal attacks on the actors for faults of the script and/or production.

II. Consider EACH of the visual/aural elements of the play (set, costumes, lighting, sound). How did they affect your appreciation of the play? Discuss the characters' costumes in terms of how they were reflections of the characters' personalities. Discuss the set/lighting as to how each served the play. Discuss the use of sound in the performance (don't forget pre-show wind!). Sound means SOUND EFFECTS, not whether or not you could hear the actors (although you can comment on that in section III).

III. As a whole, how would you rate this play? Use the time-honored method of giving it stars. From four stars as the highest rating to no stars for a real stinkeroo. Answer the following questions concerning the production as a whole:
~What does the play have to say about people, relationships, human nature?
~What did I learn about the theatre from this production?
~Was the play entertaining?

Thursday, April 14, 2011

The Power of Word

In "Antigone", the messenger statesm "excessive silence can be dangerous". React to this statement. Is "silence" a good or bad thing? Defend your position through the use of specific life experiences you have encountered AND literature studied.


In "Antigone" the Messenger states "The unfortunate boy has shown all men how, of all the evils which effect mankind, the most disasterous one is thoughtlessness" React to this statement. Is the messenger correct or incorrect thinking that "thoughlessness" leads to the greatest disasters. Use evidence from the world and units of studry to support your response.

Monday, April 11, 2011

Personal Experience: Antigone

The following is a quote from Antigone. It is part of one of the Chorus’ speeches:

"For what is destined/for us, men mortal, there is no escape."

Read the quote very carefully, think about what it says, and then write a blog explaining what the quote means and whether you agree or disagree with the meaning. This should be more than a paragraph in length.

Be sure to give lots of specific examples from the play to support whatever point of view you wish to express.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011


Antigone tells Ismene, "Don't fear for me. Set your own fate in order." Who determines fate? Does a higher power determine this or do we play a role? Is it a combination of both? Explain your viewpoint!

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Title and Opening

1. If you have NOT yet done so, post your responses to the POST below...
2. Respond to a classmate! Tell them which opening you like better!

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Vignette Writing

Your Task:

1. Complete "Two Voices, One Mouth" assignment from Speak packet.
2. Look at your title: Is it common? Can you changei to make it engaging or intreguing for reader? (Ex: Game Night is the title of 10 vignettes!)
3. Dive In Edits! (see below) Write two starter sentences for your vignette:
1)4 WORDS OR LESS on the first; 2) 10 WORDS OR LESS
4. Have stations and RD in class with you tomorrow

Melinda opens up many of her vignettes by “diving right in” to what has happened to her. To do so, she uses very short, very direct sentences

Mr. Freeman is a jerk (152).
I’m on a roll (180).
Hairwoman got a buzz cut (172).
The yearbooks have arrived (171).
It is time for a mental health day (162)

Notice how short these sentences are: most are FOUR WORDS. For your own vignette:
Jump Right In: don’t start at the beginning; bring us in where it’s important.
Be Direct: keep it short and in-your-face.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Insightful Connections

Explain an “insightful connection” that you have made while reading that your classmates may not know about. T

his could be anything from a connection between a later and earlier part of the novel, a comparison to another novel, a piece of figurative language, a personal reaction you had, and so on.

Explain what you found and explain why it is significant.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

“The Sun Goes Down on Summer” by Steve Lawhead

After you have read the poem, think about feelings you may share with the speaker. You are to write a response paper that is at least a paragraph in length. Some suggested topics are: 

your feelings on summer’s end
anxiety you may feel about school this year
your feelings about football or other school activities
pretending to be someone you are not or feel something you don’t feel
fitting in this school year
changing friendships

Begin your writing with a topic sentence that mentions the title of the poem and poet’s name as well as what you will be discussing.

Example: Reading “The Sun Goes Down on Summer” by Steve Lawhead reminded me of the insecurities I felt when I was starting the ninth grade.

Monday, March 7, 2011


Your Task: Read through page 118 in "SPEAK"
a) Looking at the artwork by Picasso, why do you think Melinda was so inspired and captivated by it?
b)find some detail in the Picasso work to discuss. How does it connect to or represent Melinda?
c)Respond to a classmate's interpretation: do you agree with their interpretation? Why or why not?

Monday, February 14, 2011


Our new play, Antigone, explores the theme of moral conflict. Antigone faces the dilemma of having to transgress (disobey) civil law in order to give her brother a proper religious burial. The conflict of 'Antigone' is the conflict between the manmade laws of the State and the god-given laws of justice; morality; and rites, rituals, and traditions.

Is it more important to follow what "seems to be right" to you or the laws we must abide by as members of a specific society. Is it better to follow human laws or supernatural laws? Provide an example to support your stance.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

My Room

"My room belongs to an alien. It is a postcard of who I was in fifth grade..." (15).

What is your room like? Do you like/dislike it? Does it accurately represent you? Why/why not? What should it be changed to reflect about you now?

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Dominant Impression

The first step in using effective description is to focus on a dominant impression. A dominant impression creates a mood or atmosphere in your paper. This mood can be conveyed through effective descriptive writing.

Think of a summer moment or image from own life that had a similar dominant impression to Dybek’s piece. Begin this piece with “In summer…

Friday, February 4, 2011

Speak: Pre-Reading

Select one of the following prompts to respond to:

1.Describe a time when you were ostracized. What happened? Why were you isolated? What was your reaction? How did it make you feel?

2.Describe a time when you ostracized someone else. What did he or she do to make you isolate them? Were your actions justified? Why? What was his or her reaction? How did it make you feel to isolate him or her?

We are blogging!

We are officially bloggers! Whenever you respond to a writing prompt, please make sure to include your name and class period to make CERTAIN that you receive credit for the given assignment